
Implemented with Microsoft Machine Learning Services

Using a Jupyter Notebook

You can view and execute the R or Python code for this solution in a Jupyter Notebook by following these instructions.

Start Jupyter Notebook

Open a Powershell or Terminal window and execute the following:

    cd c:\Solutions\TextClassification
    jupyter notebook

After a moment, the browser window will open.

Navigate to the R directory to run the R notebook, or the Python directory for the Python notebook. Select the ML Server kernel for the Python notebook.

The notebooks step through all the same steps as described in the For the Data Scientist page.

Using Jupyter

To execute the code in a cell, Shift+Enter when your cursor is in the cell. Some of the cells may take a minute or two to work, and must be complete before the next cell can execute. You can also select the Cell>Run All menu item to execute the entire notebook.