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Natural Language Processing Best Practices & Examples

Text Summarization

This folder contains examples and best practices, written in Jupyter notebooks, for building text Summarization models. We use the utility scripts in the utils_nlp folder to speed up data preprocessing and model building for text Summarization.

The models can be used in a wide variety of summarization applications, such as abstractive and extractive summarization using transformer-based models. The folder also contains examples for distributed training and inference.

Currently, we focus on fine-tuning pre-trained BERTSumAbs, BertSumExt and DistillBERT models. We plan to continue adding state-of-the-art models as they come up and welcome community contributions.

What is Text Summarization?

Text Summarization is an unsupervised learning method of a text span that conveys important information of the original text while being significantly shorter. The state-of-the-art methods are based on neural networks of different architectures as well as pre-trained language models or word embeddings.

Extractive summarization

This type of summarization identifies relevant subset sentences from the input text and uses them verbatim while still maintaining the original context of the input text.

Abstractive summarization

This type of summarization produces summary by generating entirely new text that conveys important information from the original text.


The following summarizes each notebook for Text Summarization. They are grouped into Abstractive, Extractive and Evaluation. The evaluation folder holds a notebook that goes over the evaluation metrics used in the other notebooks. Each notebook provides more details and guiding in principles on building state of the art models.

Notebook Type Environment Description Dataset
Distributed BERTSum for Abstractive Text Summarization on AzureML Abstractive Azure ML A notebook which walks through fine-tuning and evaluating pre-trained BERTSum model for abstractive summarization on a distributed setup with AzureML. CNN/DailyMail
Abstractive Text Summarization using BertSumAbs Abstractive Local A notebook which walks through fine-tuning and evaluating pre-trained BERTSumAbs model for abstractive summarization CNN/DailyMail
Abstractive Text Summarization using MiniLM Abstractive Local A notebook which walks through fine-tuning and evaluating pre-trained MiniLM model for abstractive summarization CNN/DailyMail
Abstractive Text Summarization using UniLM Abstractive Local A notebook which walks through fine-tuning and evaluating pre-trained UniLM model for abstractive summarization CNN/DailyMail
Distributed BERTSum for Extractive Text Summarization on AzureML Extractive Azure ML A notebook which walks through fine-tuning and evaluating pre-trained BERTSum model for extractive summarization on a distributed setup with AzureML. CNN/DailyMail
Extractive Text Summarization using Transformers Extractive Local A notebook which walks through fine-tuning and evaluating pre-trained transformers model for extractive summarization CNN/DailyMail