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Print this page
*** 757,18 ***
      ObjectValue* sv = sv_for_node_id(objs, spobj->_idx);
      if (sv == NULL) {
        ciKlass* cik = t->is_oopptr()->klass();
        assert(cik->is_instance_klass() ||
               cik->is_array_klass(), "Not supported allocation.");
!       sv = new ObjectValue(spobj->_idx,
                             new ConstantOopWriteValue(cik->java_mirror()->constant_encoding()));
!       set_sv_for_object_node(objs, sv);
!       uint first_ind = spobj->first_index(sfpt->jvms());
!       for (uint i = 0; i < spobj->n_fields(); i++) {
!         Node* fld_node = sfpt->in(first_ind+i);
!         (void)FillLocArray(sv->field_values()->length(), sfpt, fld_node, sv->field_values(), objs);
--- 757,28 ---
      ObjectValue* sv = sv_for_node_id(objs, spobj->_idx);
      if (sv == NULL) {
        ciKlass* cik = t->is_oopptr()->klass();
        assert(cik->is_instance_klass() ||
               cik->is_array_klass(), "Not supported allocation.");
!       if (spobj->stack_allocated()) {
+         Node *box_lock = spobj->in(1);
+         assert(box_lock != NULL, "Need to have a box lock");
+         sv = new StackObjectValue(spobj->_idx,
+                             new ConstantOopWriteValue(cik->java_mirror()->constant_encoding()),
+                             Location::new_stk_loc(Location::oop, C->regalloc()->reg2offset(BoxLockNode::reg(box_lock))),
+                             new ConstantIntValue(spobj->n_fields()));
+         set_sv_for_object_node(objs, sv);
+       } else {
+         sv = new ObjectValue(spobj->_idx,
                             new ConstantOopWriteValue(cik->java_mirror()->constant_encoding()));
!         set_sv_for_object_node(objs, sv);
!         uint first_ind = spobj->first_index(sfpt->jvms());
!         for (uint i = 0; i < spobj->n_fields(); i++) {
!           Node* fld_node = sfpt->in(first_ind+i);
!           (void)FillLocArray(sv->field_values()->length(), sfpt, fld_node, sv->field_values(), objs);
+         }

*** 1008,10 ***
--- 1018,11 ---
      // Loop over monitors and insert into array
      for (idx = 0; idx < num_mon; idx++) {
        // Grab the node that defines this monitor
        Node* box_node = sfn->monitor_box(jvms, idx);
        Node* obj_node = sfn->monitor_obj(jvms, idx);
+       bool eliminated = (box_node->is_BoxLock() && box_node->as_BoxLock()->is_eliminated());
        // Create ScopeValue for object
        ScopeValue *scval = NULL;
        if (obj_node->is_SafePointScalarObject()) {

*** 1020,18 ***
          if (scval == NULL) {
            const Type *t = spobj->bottom_type();
            ciKlass* cik = t->is_oopptr()->klass();
            assert(cik->is_instance_klass() ||
                   cik->is_array_klass(), "Not supported allocation.");
!           ObjectValue* sv = new ObjectValue(spobj->_idx,
!                                             new ConstantOopWriteValue(cik->java_mirror()->constant_encoding()));
!           PhaseOutput::set_sv_for_object_node(objs, sv);
!           uint first_ind = spobj->first_index(youngest_jvms);
!           for (uint i = 0; i < spobj->n_fields(); i++) {
!             Node* fld_node = sfn->in(first_ind+i);
!             (void)FillLocArray(sv->field_values()->length(), sfn, fld_node, sv->field_values(), objs);
            scval = sv;
        } else if (!obj_node->is_Con()) {
          OptoReg::Name obj_reg = C->regalloc()->get_reg_first(obj_node);
--- 1031,30 ---
          if (scval == NULL) {
            const Type *t = spobj->bottom_type();
            ciKlass* cik = t->is_oopptr()->klass();
            assert(cik->is_instance_klass() ||
                   cik->is_array_klass(), "Not supported allocation.");
!           ObjectValue* sv = NULL;
!           if (spobj->stack_allocated()) {
!             Node *box_lock = spobj->in(1);
!             assert(box_lock != NULL, "Need to have a box lock");
!             assert(eliminated, "monitor has to be eliminated for stack allocation");
!             sv = new StackObjectValue(spobj->_idx,
!                                 new ConstantOopWriteValue(cik->java_mirror()->constant_encoding()),
!                                 Location::new_stk_loc(Location::oop, C->regalloc()->reg2offset(BoxLockNode::reg(box_lock))),
+                                 new ConstantIntValue(spobj->n_fields()));
+             set_sv_for_object_node(objs, sv);
+           } else {
+             sv = new ObjectValue(spobj->_idx,
+                               new ConstantOopWriteValue(cik->java_mirror()->constant_encoding()));
+             set_sv_for_object_node(objs, sv);
+             uint first_ind = spobj->first_index(youngest_jvms);
+             for (uint i = 0; i < spobj->n_fields(); i++) {
+               Node* fld_node = sfn->in(first_ind+i);
+               (void)FillLocArray(sv->field_values()->length(), sfn, fld_node, sv->field_values(), objs);
+             }
            scval = sv;
        } else if (!obj_node->is_Con()) {
          OptoReg::Name obj_reg = C->regalloc()->get_reg_first(obj_node);

*** 1045,14 ***
          scval = new ConstantOopWriteValue(tp->is_oopptr()->const_oop()->constant_encoding());
        OptoReg::Name box_reg = BoxLockNode::reg(box_node);
        Location basic_lock = Location::new_stk_loc(Location::normal,C->regalloc()->reg2offset(box_reg));
-       bool eliminated = (box_node->is_BoxLock() && box_node->as_BoxLock()->is_eliminated());
        monarray->append(new MonitorValue(scval, basic_lock, eliminated));
      // We dump the object pool first, since deoptimization reads it in first.
      // Build first class objects to pass to scope
      DebugToken *locvals = C->debug_info()->create_scope_values(locarray);
--- 1068,34 ---
          scval = new ConstantOopWriteValue(tp->is_oopptr()->const_oop()->constant_encoding());
        OptoReg::Name box_reg = BoxLockNode::reg(box_node);
        Location basic_lock = Location::new_stk_loc(Location::normal,C->regalloc()->reg2offset(box_reg));
        monarray->append(new MonitorValue(scval, basic_lock, eliminated));
+     for (idx = 0; idx < jvms->scl_size(); idx++ ) {
+       Node* obj_node = sfn->scalar(jvms, idx);
+       if (obj_node->is_SafePointScalarObject()) {
+         SafePointScalarObjectNode* spobj = obj_node->as_SafePointScalarObject();
+         if (sv_for_node_id(objs, spobj->_idx) == NULL) {
+           const Type *t = spobj->bottom_type();
+           ciKlass* cik = t->is_oopptr()->klass();
+           assert(cik->is_instance_klass() ||
+                   cik->is_array_klass(), "Not supported allocation.");
+           assert(spobj->stack_allocated(), "has to be stack allocated");
+           Node *box_lock = spobj->in(1);
+           assert(box_lock != NULL, "Need to have a box lock");
+           StackObjectValue* sv = new StackObjectValue(spobj->_idx,
+                                             new ConstantOopWriteValue(cik->java_mirror()->constant_encoding()),
+                                             Location::new_stk_loc(Location::oop, C->regalloc()->reg2offset(BoxLockNode::reg(box_lock))),
+                                             new ConstantIntValue(spobj->n_fields()));
+           set_sv_for_object_node(objs, sv);
+         }
+       }
+     }
      // We dump the object pool first, since deoptimization reads it in first.
      // Build first class objects to pass to scope
      DebugToken *locvals = C->debug_info()->create_scope_values(locarray);

*** 1272,10 ***
--- 1315,17 ---
    // fill in the nop array for bundling computations
    MachNode *_nop_list[Bundle::_nop_count];
+   // if we are using stack allocation enable the runtime part
+   // stack allocation can be enabled selectively via compiler directive
+   // so we need to enable the runtime part
+   if (!UseStackAllocationRuntime && C->do_stack_allocation()) {
+     FLAG_SET_ERGO(UseStackAllocationRuntime, true);
+   }
    return cb;
  void PhaseOutput::fill_buffer(CodeBuffer* cb, uint* blk_starts) {
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