
Status This project is in beta. There are some incomplete features (see Issues).

Picologging is a high-performance logging library for Python. picologging is 4-10x faster than the logging module in the standard library.

Picologging is designed to be used as a drop-in replacement for applications which already use logging, and supports the same API as the logging module.


$ pip install picologging


Import picologging as logging to use picologging instead of the standard library logging module.

This patches all the loggers registered to use picologging loggers and formatters.

import picologging as logging

logger = logging.getLogger()

logger.info("A log message!")

logger.warning("A log message with %s", "arguments")


See Limitations.


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Some components of this Python package are from CPython 3.11 logging library for compatibility reasons.

CPython 3.11 is licensed under the PSF license. The logging module is Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved.

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