
Named requirements: ProConvention

A type C meets the ProConvention requirements of a type P if C meets the ProBasicConvention requirements, and the following expressions are well-formed and have the specified semantics.

Expressions Semantics
typename C::overload_types A tuple-like type that contains one or more distinct types Os. Each type O in Os shall meet the ProOverload requirements, and
- when C::is_direct is true, typename C::dispatch_type shall meet the ProDispatch requirements of P and O,
- or otherwise, when C::is_direct is false, let QP be a qualified reference type of P with the cv ref qualifiers defined by O (QP is an lvalue reference type if O does not define a ref qualifier), qp be a value of QP, *std::forward<QP>(qp) shall be well-formed, and typename C::dispatch_type shall meet the ProDispatch requirements of decltype(*std::forward<QP>(qp)) and O.

See Also