template <class T, class F>
concept inplace_proxiable_target = proxiable<inplace-ptr<T>, F>;
See make_proxy_inplace
for the definition of the exposition-only class template inplace-ptr.
#include <array>
#include "proxy.h"
// By default, the maximum pointer size defined by pro::facade_builder
// is 2 * sizeof(void*). This value can be overridden by `restrict_layout`.
struct Any : pro::facade_builder::build {};
int main() {
// sizeof(int) is usually not greater than sizeof(void*) for modern
// 32/64-bit compilers
static_assert(pro::inplace_proxiable_target<int, Any>);
// sizeof(std::array<int, 100>) is usually greater than 2 * sizeof(void*)
static_assert(!pro::inplace_proxiable_target<std::array<int, 100>, Any>);