// (1)
template <facade F, class T, class... Args>
proxy<F> make_proxy_shared(Args&&... args); // freestanding-deleted
// (2)
template <facade F, class T, class U, class... Args>
proxy<F> make_proxy_shared(std::initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args); // freestanding-deleted
// (3)
template <facade F, class T>
proxy<F> make_proxy_shared(T&& value); // freestanding-deleted
Equivalent to return allocate_proxy_shared<F, T>(std::allocator<void>{}, std::forward<Args>(args)...)
Equivalent to return allocate_proxy_shared<F, T>(std::allocator<void>{}, il, std::forward<Args>(args)...)
Equivalent to return allocate_proxy_shared<F, std::decay_t<T>>(std::allocator<void>{}, std::forward<T>(value))
Since 3.3.0: For (1-3)
, if proxiable_target<std::decay_t<T>, F>
is false
, the program is ill-formed and diagnostic messages are generated.
The constructed proxy
Throws any exception thrown by allocation and the constructor of T
#include <iostream>
#include "proxy.h"
struct RttiAware : pro::facade_builder
::build {};
int main() {
pro::proxy<RttiAware> p1 = pro::make_proxy_shared<RttiAware>(123);
pro::weak_proxy<RttiAware> p2 = p1;
pro::proxy<RttiAware> p3 = p2.lock();
std::cout << std::boolalpha << p3.has_value() << "\n"; // Prints "true"
std::cout << proxy_cast<int>(*p3) << "\n"; // Prints "123"
p3 = p2.lock();
std::cout << std::boolalpha << p3.has_value() << "\n"; // Prints "false"