
Class template operator_dispatch::accessor

// (1)
template <class F, class C, class... Os>
struct accessor {
  accessor() = delete;

(1) The default implementation of accessor is not constructible.

For different Sign and Rhs, operator_dispatch<Sign, Rhs>::accessor has different specializations. sop denotes the sign of operator of each specialization.

Left-Hand-Side Operand Specializations

// (2)
template <class F, class C, class... Os>
    requires(sizeof...(Os) > 1u && (std::is_constructible_v<accessor<F, C, Os>> && ...))
struct accessor<F, C, Os...> : accessor<F, C, Os>... {
  using accessor<F, C, Os>::operator sop...;

(2) When sizeof...(Os) is greater than 1, and accessor<F, C, Os>... are default-constructible types, inherits all accessor<F, C, Os>... types and using their operator sop.

When Rhs is false, the other specializations are defined as follows, where sizeof...(Os) is 1 and the only type O qualified with cv ref noex (let ACCESS_PROXY_EXPR be access_proxy<F>(std::forward<accessor cv ref>(*this))):

Regular SOPs

When Sign is one of "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "++", "--", "==", "!=", ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "<=>", "&&", "||", "&", "|", "^", "<<", ">>", ",", "->*", "()", "[]",

// (3)
template <class F, class C, class R, class... Args>
struct accessor<F, C, R(Args...) cv ref noex> {
  R operator sop (Args... args) cv ref noex;

(3) Provides an operator sop(Args...) with the same cv ref noex specifiers as of the overload type. accessor::operator sop(Args...) is equivalent to return proxy_invoke<C, R(Args...) cv ref noex>(ACCESS_PROXY_EXPR, std::forward<Args>(args)...).

! and ~

When Sign is either ! and ~,

// (4)
template <class F, class C, class R>
struct accessor<F, C, R() cv ref noex> {
  R operator sop () cv ref noex;

(4) Provides an operator sop() with the same cv ref noex specifiers as of the overload type. accessor::operator sop() is equivalent to return proxy_invoke<C, R() cv ref noex>(ACCESS_PROXY_EXPR).

Assignment SOPs

When Sign is one of "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "&=", "|=", "^=", "<<=", ">>=",

// (5)
template <class F, class C, class R, class Arg>
struct accessor<F, C, R(Arg) cv ref noex> {
  /* see below */ operator sop (Arg arg) cv ref noex;

(4) Provides an operator sop(Arg) with the same cv ref noex specifiers as of the overload type. accessor::operator sop(Arg) calls proxy_invoke<C, R(Arg) cv ref noex>(ACCESS_PROXY_EXPR, std::forward<Arg>(arg)) and returns ACCESS_PROXY_EXPR when C::is_direct is true, or otherwise, returns *ACCESS_PROXY_EXPR when C::is_direct is false.

Right-Hand-Side Operand Specializations

// (6)
template <class F, class C, class... Os>
    requires(sizeof...(Os) > 1u && (std::is_constructible_v<accessor<F, C, Os>> && ...))
struct accessor<F, C, Os...> : accessor<F, C, Os>... {};

(6) When sizeof...(Os) is greater than 1, and accessor<F, C, Os>... are default-constructible types, inherits all accessor<F, C, Os>... types.

When Rhs is true, the other specializations are defined as follows, where sizeof...(Os) is 1 and the only type O qualified with cv ref noex (let accessor_arg be std::conditional_t<C::is_direct, proxy<F>, proxy_indirect_accessor<F>>, ACCESS_PROXY_EXPR be access_proxy<F>(std::forward<accessor_arg cv ref>(self))):

Regular SOPs

When Sign is one of "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "==", "!=", ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "<=>", "&&", "||", "&", "|", "^", "<<", ">>", ",", "->*",

// (7)
template <class F, class C, class R, class Arg>
struct accessor<F, C, R(Arg) cv ref noex> {
  friend R operator sop (Arg arg, accessor_arg cv ref self) noex;

(7) Provides a friend operator sop(Arg arg, accessor_arg cv ref self) with the same noex specifiers as of the overload type. accessor::operator sop(Arg arg, accessor_arg cv ref self) is equivalent to return proxy_invoke<C, R(Arg) cv ref noex>(ACCESS_PROXY_EXPR, std::forward<Arg>(arg)).

Assignment SOPs

When Sign is one of "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "&=", "|=", "^=", "<<=", ">>=",

// (8)
template <class F, class C, class R, class Arg>
struct accessor<F, C, R(Arg) cv ref noex> {
  friend /* see below */ operator sop (Arg arg, accessor_arg cv ref self) noex;

(8) Provides a friend operator sop(Arg arg, accessor_arg cv ref self) with the same noex specifiers as of the overload type. accessor::operator sop(Arg arg, accessor_arg cv ref self) calls proxy_invoke<C, R(Arg) cv ref noex>(ACCESS_PROXY_EXPR, std::forward<Arg>(arg)) and returns ACCESS_PROXY_EXPR when C::is_direct is true, or otherwise, returns *ACCESS_PROXY_EXPR when C::is_direct is false.