CLI Reference#

PyBryt includes a small command-line interface for performing quick tasks using its functionality. The main tasks that the CLI currently supports are:

  • compiling reference implementations and saving them to a file

  • executing student implementations and saving them to a file

  • checking reference implementations against student implementations (as notebooks or pickled objects) and saving/echoing the results

Each of the commands is detailed in the refererence below, but a short summary of each is provided here. The CLI can be invoked via the command pybryt or by calling PyBryt as a Python module: python3 -m pybryt. For simplicity, the convention of the former is used here.

CLI Sub-commands#


pybryt check is used to check a student implementation against a reference implementation. It takes two position arguments corresponding to the path to a reference implementation and the path to a student implementation. Both paths can lead either to notebooks (which will be executed/compiled if provided) or to pickle files.

The output of this command comes in three forms:

  • a pickled ReferenceResult object, written to a file

  • a JSON file with a text-based representation of the ReferenceResult object

  • a report echoed to the console

To set the output type, use the -t flag. If a file is written, use the -o flag to set the output path (defaults to {stu.stem}_results.[pkl|json]).

$ ls
reference.ipynb         subm.ipynb
$ pybryt check reference.ipynb subm.ipynb
$ ls
reference.ipynb         subm.ipynb              subm_results.pkl
$ pybryt check reference.pkl subm.pkl -t json
$ ls
reference.ipynb         subm.ipynb              subm_results.json       subm_results.pkl
$ pybryt check reference.ipynb subm.pkl -t report


pybryt compile is used to compile a reference implementation to a file. It takes a single positional argument, the path to the notebook to be compiled. To set the destination path, use the -d flag. If a name is needed for the reference implementation, it can be provided with the -n flag.

$ pybryt compile reference.ipynb
$ pybryt compile reference.ipynb -d ref.pkl -n foo


pybryte execute is used to execute one or more student implementations and write the memory footprints to files for futher processing. All paths passed as position arguments to this command are paths to student implementation notebooks.

Because execution can be time-consuming, pybryt execute supports parallelism using Python’s multiprocessing library. To enable parallelism, use the -p flag.

$ pybryt execute submissions/*.ipynb
$ pybryt execute submissions/*.ipynb -p


This section is a short reference for all of the commands and options for PyBryt’s CLI.


A command-line interface for PyBryt. See for more information.




Show the version and exit.


Run a student submission against a reference implementation.

REF can be a path to a pickled reference implementation or to a notebook to be compiled on-the-fly. STU can be a path to a pickled student implementation or to a notebook to be executed.

If TYPE is “pickle” or “json”, the output is a file. If TYPE is “report”, a report is echoed to the console and OUTPUT is ignored.

pybryt check [OPTIONS] REF STU


--output <output>#

Path at which to write the output notebook from executing the student submission

-d, --dest <dest>#

Path at which to write the results of the check

-t, --type <output_type>#

Type of output to write




pickle | json | report



Required argument


Required argument


Compile the reference implementation SRC.

SRC must be a path to a Jupyter Notebook file which defines a reference implementation.

pybryt compile [OPTIONS] SRC


-d, --dest <dest>#

Path at which to write the pickled reference implementation

-n, --name <name>#

Optional name for the reference implementation



Required argument


Execute student submissions to generate memory footprints.

Executes the student submission(s) SUBM at writes the pickled objects to some output file. If DEST is unspecified, this defaults to “./{SUBM.stem}.pkl” (e.g. for SUBM “submissions/subm01.ipynb”, this is “./subm01.pkl”).

pybryt execute [OPTIONS] [SUBM]...


-p, --parallel#

Execute notebooks in parallel using the multiprocessing library

-d, --dest <dest>#

Path at which to write the pickled student implementation

--timeout <timeout>#

Timeout for notebook execution in seconds



Optional argument(s)