Interface MSQATokenResult

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MSQATokenResult
    Information about account token.
    • Method Detail

      • getAccessToken

        java.lang.String getAccessToken()
        The access token requested.
      • getAuthorizationHeader

        java.lang.String getAuthorizationHeader()
        Gets the fully-formed Authorization header value. Includes the Authentication scheme.
        The Authorization header value.
      • getAuthenticationScheme

        java.lang.String getAuthenticationScheme()
        Gets the authentication scheme (Bearer, PoP, etc)....
        The authentication scheme name.
      • getExpiresOn

        java.util.Date getExpiresOn()
        The expiration time of the access token returned in the Token property. This value is calculated based on current UTC time measured locally and the value expiresIn returned from the service. Please note that if the authentication scheme is 'pop', this value reflects the expiry of the 'inner' token returned by AAD and does not indicate the expiry of the signed pop JWT ('outer' token).
      • getTenantId

        java.lang.String getTenantId()
        A unique tenant identifier that was used in token acquisition. Could be null if tenant information is not returned by the service.
      • getScope

        java.lang.String[] getScope()
        The scopes returned from the service.
      • getCorrelationId

        java.util.UUID getCorrelationId()
        Gets the correlation id used during the acquire token request. Could be null if an error occurs when parsing from String or if not set.
        a UUID representing a correlation id