Logistic Regression using sklearn

# type: ignore
# there are multiple typing issues in pandas and the iris dataset, easier to disable typing for
# this notebook
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import NamedTuple

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression as LR

from rats import processors as rp
from rats.processors import typing as rpt

Let's build something a little more interesting - logistic regression using sklearn, with safeguards using pandas dataframes.

First we'll create a Model class that will hold the bare sklearn LR model, but also the meta information that verifies that a pandas dataframe can be used to predict with the model.

class LRModel(NamedTuple):
    bare_model: LR
    feature_names: tuple[str, ...]
    category_names: tuple[str, ...]

Next, we'll build pipelines in a container class. As before, we need to define NamedTuple classes for the output of each task.

class _SanitizeLabelsOutput(NamedTuple):
    y: pd.Series  # [int], contegory indices from [0, NumCategories)
    number_of_labels_in_training: int

class _LRTrainOutput(NamedTuple):
    model: LRModel
    number_of_samples_in_training: int

class _LRPredictOutput(NamedTuple):
    logits: pd.DataFrame  # [float], columns are category names

class LRPipelineContainer(rp.PipelineContainer):
    def sanitize_labels(
        category_names: Sequence[str],  # order will determine category index in output.
        y: pd.Series,  # [str] category names.
    ) -> _SanitizeLabelsOutput:
        """Remove rows with NaN labels and verify that the remaining labels are expected categories."""
        category_names = tuple(category_names)
        # Remove rows with NaN labels.
        # They are allowed, but not used in training.
        y = y[~y.isna()]
        # Verify that the remaining labels are in the allowed set
        if not y.isin(category_names).all():
            raise ValueError(f"Labels should be in {category_names}")
        category_name_to_index = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(category_names)}
        y = y.map(category_name_to_index)
        number_of_labels_in_training = len(y)
        return _SanitizeLabelsOutput(

    def train(
        category_names: tuple[str, ...],
        x: pd.DataFrame,  # [float], column names become feature names
        y: pd.Series,  # [int], category indices
    ) -> _LRTrainOutput:
        """Train a logistic regression model.

        Samples (x) and labels (y) will be matched by index.  Unmatches samples/labels will not be
        used in training.
        label_name = str(y.name)
        if label_name in x.columns:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Label column {label_name} should not be a column of the features dataframe"
        # Join the features and labels.
        j = x.join(y, how="inner")
        number_of_samples_in_training = len(j)
        x = j.drop(label_name, axis=1)
        y = j[label_name]
        lr = LR()
        lr.fit(X=x.to_numpy(), y=y.to_numpy())
        feature_names = tuple(x.columns)
        return _LRTrainOutput(

    def training_pipeline(self) -> rpt.UPipeline:
        """Train a binary logistic regression model.

        Samples not associated with labels or whose labels are NaN will be ignored.
        Non-binary labels will raise an error.
        sanitize = self.sanitize_labels()
        train = self.train()
        return self.combine(
            dependencies=(sanitize >> train,),

    def prediction_pipeline(
        model: LRModel,
        x: pd.DataFrame,
    ) -> _LRPredictOutput:
        # Reorder the columns by the order in which they were used in training.
        x = x[list(model.feature_names)]
        logits_np = model.bare_model.predict_log_proba(X=x.to_numpy())
        logits = pd.DataFrame(
            logits_np, index=x.index, columns=list(model.category_names)
        return _LRPredictOutput(logits=logits)

lrpc = LRPipelineContainer()
app = rp.NotebookApp()

The training pipeline is composed of a sanitize_labels task followed by a train task. Let's look at these sub-pipelines:

sanitize_labels = lrpc.sanitize_labels()


train = lrpc.train()


Look at the training_pipeline method and observe:

  • The two sub-pipelines are created using by calling the reserpective methods. At this point, it does not matter that the sub-pipelines are tasks - any pipeline would work. It is important that the sub-pipelines are defined by methods of this container, because it ensures that they have distinct names.

  • The combine method is used to combine the sub-pipelines into a another pipeline. The argument dependencies=(sanitize >> train,), inspects the outputs of sanitize and the inputs of train, matches them by name, and creates edges between matches. Here this means that the y output of sanitize will be connected to the y input of train.

  • Inputs of any sub-pipeline that are not matches with outputs of another sub-pipeline will become inputs of the combined pipeline. Here this means the y input of sanitize, and the x input of train, and the category_names input of both will become inputs of the combined pipeline. The category_names input will flow to both sanitize and train, coupling them to always take the same value. There are ways to change that behaviour, but more on that in other tutorials.

  • Outputs of any sub-pipeline that are not matches with inputs of another sub-pipeline will become outputs of the combined pipeline. There are ways to expose outputs of sub-pipelines that are matched to inputs of other sub-pipelines, but more on that in other tutorials.

Here's the combined training pipeline:

training_pipeline = lrpc.training_pipeline()
print("Training pipeline input ports:", training_pipeline.inputs)
print("Training pipeline output ports:", training_pipeline.outputs)
cell output:
Training pipeline input ports: InPorts(category_names=InPort[collections.abc.Sequence[str]], y=InPort[pandas.core.series.Series], x=InPort[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame])
Training pipeline output ports: OutPorts(number_of_labels_in_training=OutPort[int], model=OutPort[__main__.LRModel], number_of_samples_in_training=OutPort[int])


The prediction pipeline is a single task:

prediction_pipeline = lrpc.prediction_pipeline()
print("Prediction pipeline input ports:", prediction_pipeline.inputs)
print("Prediction pipeline output ports:", prediction_pipeline.outputs)
cell output:
Prediction pipeline input ports: InPorts(model=InPort[__main__.LRModel], x=InPort[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame])
Prediction pipeline output ports: OutPorts(logits=OutPort[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame])


To run the training pipeline we'll need a samples dataframe and a labels series. We can then run the prediction pipeline with the trained model and a samples dataframe. Let's use the Iris dataset, using category names rather than category indices for labels, and splitting to train/test randomly.

from sklearn import datasets

iris = datasets.load_iris()
category_names = tuple(iris["target_names"])

samples = pd.DataFrame(iris["data"], columns=iris["feature_names"])
labels = pd.Series(iris["target"], name="label").map(lambda i: category_names[i])
train_indices = samples.sample(frac=0.8).index
samples_train = samples.loc[train_indices]
labels_train = labels.loc[train_indices]
samples_test = samples.drop(train_indices)[
]  # Reverse the columns
labels_test = labels.drop(train_indices)
training_outputs = app.run(
prediction_outputs_train = app.run(
prediction_outputs_test = app.run(

Group logits by true label to see how the model is performing:

    ["mean", "std", "count"]
setosa versicolor virginica
mean std count mean std count mean std count
setosa -0.024784 0.012254 44 -3.830012 0.503206 44 -16.085735 0.993230 44
versicolor -4.437794 1.343680 37 -0.212645 0.204093 37 -2.533020 1.345161 37
virginica -10.097900 2.877340 39 -2.691922 1.403706 39 -0.171744 0.213766 39
    ["mean", "std", "count"]
setosa versicolor virginica
mean std count mean std count mean std count
setosa -0.031355 0.007162 6 -3.498385 0.213893 6 -15.448952 0.625208 6
versicolor -4.030292 1.248497 13 -0.133180 0.090179 13 -3.150326 1.414878 13
virginica -9.550154 2.666712 11 -2.322399 1.333171 11 -0.236352 0.272456 11

Next, we'll build pipelines that incorporate pipelines defined in other containers.