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Intermediate Tutorial

This tutorial is also available in notebook form. See Tutorial Notebooks.

In the beginners tutorial we have seen how to construct hello_world, diamond and standardized_lr pipelines. In this tutorial we will dive deeper into some of the concepts we touched upon and discuss more complicated use cases.

Table of Contents

Defining Tasks

A task is a pipeline of a single node. Creating a task requires specifying the pararameters needed for the processor to be initialized, i.e., configuration, dynamic input and output annotations, and compute requirements. A task has the following construct parameters:

  • processor_type (type[rats.processors.IProcess]): a reference to the processor's class.
  • name (str): [optional] name of the task. If missing, processor_type.__name__ is used.
  • config (Mapping[str, Any]): [optional] A mapping from (a subset of) the the processor's constructor parameters to values. The values need to be serializable if running in a distributed environment.
  • services (Mapping[str, rats.pipelines.session.ServiceId[Any]]): [optional] A mapping from (a subset of) the the processor's constructor parameters to service ids. See Services.
  • input_annotation (Mapping[str, type]): [optional] dynamic inputs for variable keyword parameter, e.g., **kwargs; required if processor specifies var keyword parameters.
  • return_annotation (Mapping[str, type]): [optional] dynamic outputs; overrides the processors return annotation. Useful when the number of outputs a processor returns varies between pipelines, and only known at build time, e.g., a data splitter for cross-validation.
  • compute_requirements (rats.processors.PComputeReqs): [optional] [for future use] stores information about the resources the processor needs to run, e.g., CPUs, GPUs, memory, etc.

Task execution

When the task is executed it performs the following:

  • collect input values from upstream nodes.
  • collect constructor parameters from config, services and inputs (see Constructor Parameters).
  • construct a processor object by calling the constructor of processor_type with the collected constructor parameters it collected.
  • call the process method of the processor object, passing the rest of the inputs.
  • publish the outputs of the process method as the task outputs.

Constructor Parameters

To construct a processor object, the task needs to provide a value for each parameter of the constructor of processor_type.

For each such parameter, the value will be provided in one of the following three ways:

  • If the parameter appears in config its value is take from there.
  • If the parameter appears in services, it is mapped to a service id. The framework will look for the appropriate service provider in the services registry of the executing environment, and call it to provide a service object. That service object will be the value for the parameter.
  • If the parameter does not appear in config nor in services, it is assumed to be an input to the task. Its value will be taken from those inputs.

The following example implements saving a pandas dataframe to a local csv file:

from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
from typing import NamedTuple
from rats.processors.ux import PipelineBuilder, display_dag
from rats.processors.dag import display_dag

class SavePandasOut(NamedTuple):
    file_path: str

class SavePandas:
    def __init__(self, output_folder: Path, file_name: str):
        self._file_path = output_folder / file_name

    def process(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> SavePandasOut:
        self._file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        return SavePandasOut(file_path=self._file_path)

We can provide the constructor arguments when we build the task, like this:

save_pandas_1 = PipelineBuilder.task(
    config=dict(output_folder=Path(".tmp"), file_name="a.csv"),


Or, we can omit some of them and they will become an inputs the the task:

save_pandas_2 = PipelineBuilder.task(
    processor_type=SavePandas, config=dict(file_name="a.csv")


Finally, we can ask the framework to provide a service object as the value of a constructor argument, like this:

from import ImmunoshareRatsIoServices

save_pandas_3 = PipelineBuilder.task(


Let's take a minute to execute these three pipelines.

We'll need a pipeline runner factory:

from pathlib import Path
from rats.processors import RatsProcessorsServices

pipeline_runner_factory = rats_service_provider.get_service(

And we'll need to provide a dataframe as input:

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(A=[10, 20, 30], B=["a", "b", "c"]))

Executing the first version, providing df, and then inspecting the file_path output:

runner = pipeline_runner_factory(save_pandas_1)
outputs = runner(dict(df=df))

Verifying the output file:

with as r:

Executing the second version. Recall that it requires output_folder as input.

runner = pipeline_runner_factory(save_pandas_2)
outputs = runner(dict(df=df, output_folder=Path("my_output_folder/")))
with as r:

Executing the third version. Here we trust RatsHabitatsServices.TMP_PATH to define the output folder for us.

runner = pipeline_runner_factory(save_pandas_3)
outputs = runner(dict(df=df))
with as r:

Dynamic Annotations

Consider the following processor:

from typing import Any, Mapping

class Identity:
    def process(self, **kwargs) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
        return kwargs

It is a simple processor that returns all parameters it receives.

It implements the process method and returns a Mapping with annotated variables. However, Identity does not specify the name of the variables that it expects or returns, and we do not know them a priori.

They do need to be specified at pipeline construction time, and that is the reason why rats.processors.Task accepts input_annotation and return_annotation parameters.

For most processors these arguments will be unnecessary, but if we provide them, they will override the class's input or output signatures, respectively.

For example:

from rats.processors import PipelineBuilder

io_annotation = {"foo": str, "boo": bool, "bee": int}
t = PipelineBuilder.task(
    Identity, input_annotation=io_annotation, return_annotation=io_annotation

📓 Note: Recall that the return annotation of a processor may be a NamedTuple, TypedDict or None. Passing return_annotation=None (default) will not override the processor's return signature. Only if the return signature of a processor is None AND if return_annotation=None, will the framework assume that the processor return type is actually None. Same applies to input_annotation=None.

Combining Pipelines

We will further explain how to combine pipelines, handle name conflicts, and expose inputs and outputs.


The exact parameter signature of PipelineBuilder.combine is the following:

  • pipelines (Sequence[Pipeline]): the list of Pipelines to combine; must have different names.
  • name (str): name of the returned, combined pipeline.
  • dependencies (Iterable[Sequence[rats.ux.Dependency]]): dependencies between the pipelines to combine, e.g., (stz_eval.inputs.mean << stz_train.outputs.mean,).
  • inputs (rats.ux.UserInput | None): mapping names of inputs of the pipelines to combine.
  • outputs (rats.ux.UserOutput | None): mapping names of outputs of the pipelines to combine.

Arguments inputs and outputs are optional and help configure the exposed input and output variables of the combined pipeline.

The exact definitions are the following:

  • UserInput = Mapping[str, rats.ux.InPort | rats.ux.Inputs]
  • UserOutput = Mapping[str, rats.ux.OutPort | rats.ux.Outputs]

Default behavior for inputs and outputs set to None is explained in the section below.

📓 Note: Dependencies are not expected to be created manually, but through the << operator syntax.

Consider the following standardization example:

from typing import NamedTuple
from rats.processors import PipelineBuilder

class StandardizeTrainOut(NamedTuple):
    mean: float
    scale: float
    Z: float

class StandardizeTrain:
    def process(X: float) -> StandardizeTrainOut: ...

class StandardizeEvalOut(NamedTuple):
    Z: float

class StandardizeEval:
    def __init__(self, mean: float, scale: float) -> None: ...

    def process(X: float) -> StandardizeEvalOut: ...

stz_train = PipelineBuilder.task(StandardizeTrain)
stz_eval = PipelineBuilder.task(StandardizeEval)

standardization = PipelineBuilder.combine(
    pipelines=[stz_train, stz_eval],
        stz_eval.inputs.mean << stz_train.outputs.mean,
        stz_eval.inputs.scale << stz_train.outputs.scale,
    inputs={"X.train": stz_train.inputs.X, "X.eval": stz_eval.inputs.X},
        "mean": stz_train.outputs.mean,
        "scale": stz_train.outputs.scale,
        "Z.train": stz_train.outputs.Z,
        "Z.eval": stz_eval.outputs.Z,


Let's unwrap the example below.

Parameter ports: InPort and OutPort

We have specified dependencies between input and output ports for stz_train and stz_eval using the << operator:

stz_eval.inputs.mean << stz_train.outputs.mean
stz_eval.inputs.scale << stz_train.outputs.scale

We access single input and output ports of the pipelines via the inputs and outputs attributes. This happens with stz_eval.inputs.mean and stz_train.outputs.mean. In begginer's tutorial we saw another example:

stz_lr_dependencies = (
    logistic_regression.inputs.X_train << standardization.outputs.Z_train,
    logistic_regression.inputs.X_eval << standardization.outputs.Z_eval,

📓 Note: In these examples the processors' inputs and outputs had unique names. If the variable parameters don't have unique names, we can expose them as collections of parameters, as explained in the next section.

Parameter collections: Inputs and Outputs

Pipelines stz_train and stz_eval both expose X and Z variable names so we needed to specify how X and Z are combined together. In the PipelineBuilder.combine example from above we have written:

inputs = ({"X.train": stz_train.inputs.X, "X.eval": stz_eval.inputs.X},)
outputs = {"Z.train": stz_train.outputs.Z, "Z.eval": stz_eval.outputs.Z}

The combined pipeline will expose variables as collections of parameters:

standardization.inputs.X  # Inputs object
standardization.outputs.Z  # Outputs object

Both standardization.inputs.X and standardization.outputs.Z gather two inputs and two outputs entries, respectively. The individual entries are accessible via:

standardization.inputs.X.train  # InPort objects
standardization.outputs.Z.train  # OutPort objects

The usefulness of collections is that we can group parameters together and create dependencies. Here another example with logistic_regression:

from typing import NamedTuple
from rats.processors import PipelineBuilder

class LogisticRegressionTrainOut(NamedTuple):
    model: tuple[float]
    Z: float

class LogisticRegressionTrain:
    def process(X: float, Y: float) -> LogisticRegressionTrainOut: ...

class LogisticRegressionEvalOut(NamedTuple):
    Z: float
    probs: float

class LogisticRegressionEval:
    def __init__(self, model: tuple[float, ...]) -> None: ...

    def process(X: float, Y: float) -> LogisticRegressionEvalOut: ...

lr_train = PipelineBuilder.task(LogisticRegressionTrain, name="lr_train")
lr_eval = PipelineBuilder.task(LogisticRegressionEval, name="lr_eval")

logistic_regression = PipelineBuilder.combine(
    pipelines=[lr_train, lr_eval],
    dependencies=(lr_eval.inputs.model << lr_train.outputs.model,),
        "X.train": lr_train.inputs.X,
        "X.eval": lr_eval.inputs.X,
        "Y.train": lr_train.inputs.Y,
        "Y.eval": lr_eval.inputs.Y,
        "Z.train": lr_train.outputs.Z,
        "Z.eval": lr_eval.outputs.Z,
        "model": lr_train.outputs.model,
        "probs": lr_eval.outputs.probs,


The inputs and outputs automatically formed after combining lr_train and lr_eval into logistic_regression pipeline are:

logistic_regression.outputs.probs  # OutPort object

logistic_regression.inputs.X  # Inputs objects
logistic_regression.outputs.Z  # Outputs object

logistic_regression.inputs.X.train  # InPort objects
logistic_regression.outputs.Z.train  # OutPort objects

Finally, we can combine standardization and logistic_regression together:

stz_lr = PipelineBuilder.combine(
    pipelines=[standardization, logistic_regression],
    # two dependencies returned from input-output collection assignment
    dependencies=(logistic_regression.inputs.X << standardization.outputs.Z,),


Notice the simple assignment of the stz_lr pipeline's input and output collections. This mechanism generalizes to any number of parameters that share the same entry names, which is useful for operating on pipelines with varying number of entries.

Parameter Types

Accessing inputs and outputs attributes of a pipeline returns a mapping of port parameters (InPort, OutPort) or collection of port parameters (Inputs, Outputs)

These are the types from the nested mappings, accessible via dot notation for some examples we have seen above: | Pipeline | Inputs | InPort | |:-----------------:|:------------------:|:---------------:| | stz_train | .inputs | .X | | stz_eval | .inputs | .X | | stz_eval | .inputs | .mean | | stz_eval | .inputs | .scale |

Pipeline Outputs OutPort
stz_train .outputs .Z
stz_train .outputs .mean
stz_train .outputs .scale
stz_eval .outputs .Z

The pipeline exposing collections of entries:

Pipeline Inputs Inputs InPort
standardization .inputs .X .train
standardization .inputs .X .eval
Pipeline Outputs Outputs OutPort
standardization .outputs .Z .train
standardization .outputs .Z .eval

As you can see, parameter ports can be combined together into nested collections. This is achieved via specifying inputs and outputs when combining pipelines together or via parameter renames using dot notation as in the example above.

Defaults for UserInput and UserOutput

Leaving inputs and outputs of PipelineBuilder.combine unspecified or set to None will default their specification:

  • All inputs or outputs from pipelines to combine will be merged, after subtracting any input or output specified in the dependencies argument.

For example, leaving inputs=None when combining standardization and logistic_regression is equivalent to

inputs = {"X": standardization.inputs.X, "Y": logistic_regression.inputs.Y}

Entry logistic_regression.inputs.X is specified as a dependency, and is therefore not included in the inputs of the combined pipeline.

Leaving outputs=None is equivalent to

outputs = {
    "mean": standardization.outputs.mean,
    "scale": standardization.outputs.scale,
    "model": logistic_regression.outputs.model,
    "probs": logistic_regression.outputs.probs,
    "Z": logistic_regression.outputs.Z,

Only standardization.outputs.Z is specified in the dependencies list and excluded. Furthermore, specifying Z output could also have been done more verbosely:

    "Z.train": logistic_regression.outputs.Z.train,
    "Z.eval": logistic_regression.outputs.Z.eval


In this tutorial we used PipelineBuilders.combine to build an ML pipeline - one that fits a model on training data and evaluates that model on that training data and on a holdout data.

See Tutorial: TrainAndEval for Rats tools useful in this scenario including simplifying and standardizing such pipelines, and using this standardization to automatically persist fitted eval pipelines.

Pipeline Annotations

Given a pipeline, it may be ambiguous knowing if a certain attribute is an input/output port, or a collection. When building a pipeline, you can declare its inputs and outputs, so that users of that pipeline will get automatic IDE completion, as well as explicit type declaration of the attribute in question.

This feature is completely optional, not enforced, and only helps in production environments when the author of a pipeline wants to declare the inputs and outputs of the pipeline for readability and autocompletion for other users consuming it.

Annotated pipelines allow building a catalog of pipelines, and get a clear understanding of what inputs and outputs each pipeline exposes, and how they can be combined together.

For example:

from rats.processors.ux import Inputs, Outputs, InPort, OutPort

class XIn(Inputs):
    X: InPort[float]

class XMeanScaleIn(Inputs):
    X: InPort[float]
    mean: InPort[float]
    scale: InPort[float]

class ZOut(Outputs):
    Z: OutPort[float]

class ZMeanScaleOut(Outputs):
    Z: OutPort[float]
    mean: OutPort[float]
    scale: OutPort[float]

stz_train = PipelineBuilder[XIn, ZMeanScaleOut].task(StandardizeTrain)
stz_eval = PipelineBuilder[XMeanScaleIn, ZOut].task(StandardizeEval)

# statically evaluated and completed with IDE
    stz_eval.inputs.mean << stz_train.outputs.mean
)  # identified as InPort << OutPort on hover
    stz_eval.inputs.scale << stz_train.outputs.scale
)  # identified as InPort << OutPort on hover

When combining variables together, nested declaration is possible:

class TrainEvalIn(Inputs):
    train: InPort[float]
    eval: InPort[float]

class TrainEvalZOut(Outputs):
    train: OutPort[float]
    eval: OutPort[float]

class StzIn(Inputs):
    X: TrainEvalIn

class StzOut(Outputs):
    Z: TrainEvalZOut
    mean: OutPort[float]
    scale: OutPort[float]

stz = PipelineBuilder[StzIn, StzOut].combine(
    pipelines=[stz_train, stz_eval],
        stz_eval.inputs.mean << stz_train.outputs.mean,
        stz_eval.inputs.scale << stz_train.outputs.scale,
    inputs={"X.train": stz_train.inputs.X, "X.eval": stz_eval.inputs.X},
        "mean": stz_train.outputs.mean,
        "scale": stz_train.outputs.scale,
        "Z.train": stz_train.outputs.Z,
        "Z.eval": stz_eval.outputs.Z,
# statically evaluated and completed with IDE
stz.inputs.X  # identified as Inputs
stz.inputs.X.train  # identified as InPort
stz.inputs.X.eval  # identified as InPort
stz.outputs.Z  # identified as Outputs
stz.outputs.Z.train  # identified as OutPort
stz.outputs.Z.eval  # identified as OutPort
stz.outputs.mean  # identified as OutPort
stz.outputs.scale  # identified as OutPort

Under the hoods, Pipeline is a generic of two typed variables, i.e., the pipeline inputs and outputs:

from typing import Generic, TypeVar

TInputs = TypeVar("TInputs", bound=Inputs, covariant=True)
TOutputs = TypeVar("TOutputs", bound=Outputs, covariant=True)

class Pipeline(Generic[TInputs, TOutputs]): ...
This mechanism allow Pipelines to be annotated as we have seen in the builders above:
stz = PipelineBuilder[StzIn, StzOut].combine(...)
stz  # Pipeline[StzIn, StzOut]

Pipeline Providers

Sharing pipelines between users is done via pipeline providers. These providers may encapsulate specialized functionality that a pipeline author shares with other users and make it reusable.

💡 Important: Modularity and reusability are two core design principles that we promote when building pipelines.

The following mechanism can be used to make a pipeline provider available. Note that this mechanism leverages the RatsApp concepts explained in rats-pipelines. TODO: need link.

First declare your pipeline provider service. Second, add your service to the RatsProcessorsRegistryServiceGroups.PIPELINE_PROVIDERS group.

For example in example/

from rats.processors.registry import (
from import (

from ._pipeline import DiamondExecutable, DiamondPipeline, DiamondPipelineProvider

class _PrivateServices:
    DIAMOND_PIPELINE_PROVIDER = ServiceId[IProvidePipeline[DiamondPipeline]](

class DiamondExampleDiContainer:
    _app: IProvideServices

    def __init__(self, app: IProvideServices) -> None:
        self._app = app

    def diamond_pipeline_provider(self) -> DiamondPipelineProvider:
        return DiamondPipelineProvider()

    def diamond_pipeline_providers_group(self) -> IProvidePipelineCollection:
        diamond = _PrivateServices.DIAMOND_PIPELINE_PROVIDER
        return ServiceMapping(
            services_provider=self._app, service_ids_map={"diamond": diamond}

class DiamondExampleServices:

Here, we are adding a new service provider with ServiceId identified via DiamondExampleServices.DIAMOND_PIPELINE_SERVICE. Furthermore, this service provider is then added to the RatsProcessorsRegistryServiceGroups.PIPELINE_PROVIDERS service group.

Every users will be now able to call the pipeline provider by referring to the individual service id, or even call all pipeline providers after making it available to the service group (which is used in YAML pipelines for example).

The rats.processors.registry.IProvidePipeline interface to create a pipeline provider is defined as follows

from typing import Protocol, TypeVar
from rats.processors.ux import UPipeline

Tco_Pipeline = TypeVar("Tco_Pipeline", bound=UPipeline, covariant=True)

class IProvidePipeline(Protocol[Tco_Pipeline]):
    def __call__(self) -> Tco_Pipeline: ...

Note that IProvidePipeline is a generic protocol optionally accepting a Pipeline typed variable (such as an annotated pipeline).