Enum ForwarderError
Errors reported when forwarding a request to the destination.
Namespace: Yarp.ReverseProxy.Forwarder
Assembly: Yarp.ReverseProxy.dll
public enum ForwarderError : int
Name | Description |
NoAvailableDestinations | Indicates there were no destinations remaining to proxy the request to. The configured destinations may have been excluded due to heath or other considerations. |
None | No error. |
Request | Failed to connect, send the request headers, or receive the response headers. |
RequestBodyCanceled | Canceled while copying the request body. |
RequestBodyClient | Failed reading the request body from the client. |
RequestBodyDestination | Failed writing the request body to the destination. |
RequestCanceled | Canceled when trying to connect, send the request headers, or receive the response headers. |
RequestCreation | Failed while creating the request message. |
RequestTimedOut | Timed out when trying to connect, send the request headers, or receive the response headers. |
ResponseBodyCanceled | Canceled while copying the response body. |
ResponseBodyClient | Failed when writing response body to the client. |
ResponseBodyDestination | Failed when reading response body from the destination. |
ResponseHeaders | Failed to copy response headers. |
UpgradeActivityTimeout | An upgraded request was idle and canceled due to the activity timeout. |
UpgradeRequestCanceled | Canceled while copying the upgraded response body. |
UpgradeRequestClient | Failed reading the upgraded request body from the client. |
UpgradeRequestDestination | Failed writing the upgraded request body to the destination. |
UpgradeResponseCanceled | Canceled while copying the upgraded response body. |
UpgradeResponseClient | Failed when writing the upgraded response body to the client. |
UpgradeResponseDestination | Failed when reading the upgraded response body from the destination. |