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Revizor Architecture

Below is a high-level overview of Revizor's architecture and its key modules.



Revizor has five chief components:

  1. Test Case Generator
  2. Input Generator
  3. Model
  4. Executor
  5. Analyser

The Test Case Generator and Input Generator are responsible for generating random test cases to be run through the Model and Executor. The results are examined by the Analyser for contract violations.

Test Case (Program) Generator

The TCG is responsible for generating random assembly test cases. It takes an Instruction Set Specification as input in order for it to understand the instructions and syntax it can use for generation.

Input Generator

The IG is responsible for generating the inputs that are passed into a test case created by the TCG. Largely, this means register and memory values that the microarchitecture will be primed with before executing the test case. In this way, a single test case program can be run across several different inputs, allowing for multiple contract traces (and later, hardware traces) to be collected for analysis.


The Model's job is to accept test cases and inputs from the TCG & IG and emulate the test case to collect contract traces. A single test case seeded with several inputs (N inputs) will create several contract traces (N contract traces) as the model's output. These are passed to the Analyser to determine input classes.


The Executor, on the other side from the Model, is responsible for running the same test cases (with the same inputs) on physical hardware to collect hardware traces. Hardware traces from the same input class are collected and studied by the Analyser to detect contract violations.


The Analyser receives contract traces from the Model and hardware traces from the Executor to accomplish two primary goals:

  1. Compare contract traces to set up input classes.
  2. Compare hardware traces to detect contract violations.

Revizor Modules and Interfaces

Revizor's implementation and architecture is separated into multiple Python files:

  • - implements the command-line interface of revizor.
  • - implements parsing and managing of revizor's YAML configuration file.
  • - implements the Test Case Generator portion of revizor's architecture.
  • - implements the Input Generator portion of revizor's architecture.
  • - implements the Unicorn-based Model portion of revizor's architecture.
  • - implements the Executor portion of revizor's architecture.
  • - implements the Analyser portion of revizor's architecture.
  • - defines the MinimizerViolation class, used during minimize mode to reduce a violation-inducing test case down to a smaller size while still maintaining the violation-inducing behavior.
  • - implements fuzz mode that utilizes all main components to perform end-to-end hardware fuzzing.
  • - used to configure revizor accordingly to the user provided YAML configuration. Implements a simplified version of the Factory pattern: Defines a series of dictionaries that allows revizor to choose between various contract, generation techniques, executors, analysers, etc. In future, it be also used to implement multiple-ISA support.
  • - defines abstract classes (i.e., interfaces) of all main components of revizor (e.g., abstract Executor, Model, TestCase, Input, etc)
  • isa\ - defines the InstructionSet class, used to load an ISA's specifications from a JSON file provided via the command-line interface.
  • - defines logging, statistical, and other services to all other modules within revizor.

Architecture-specific Implementation

The modules above are ISA-independent. The architecture-specific implementations are located in the subdirectories. For example, the implementation of the modules for the x86-64 architecture is located in src/x86/. It's structure largely mirrors the main modules of revizor (e.g., contains x86-specific parts of the Model module). The only unique parts are:

  • * - defines constants describing the ISA (e.g., a list of available registers) and some helper functions.
  • - a script for transforming the ISA description provided by the CPU vendor (different for every vendor) into a unified JSON format
  • executor/ - contains a low-level implementation of the executor. The implementation will be different for each architecture. For black-box x86 CPUs, it is a Linux kernel module.

Abstract Test Case

This describes a number of Python classes within revizor that define parts of an assembly test case. Revizor's TCG uses them to generate syntactically-valid assembly. The classes are defined in


The OperandSpec class defines a set of valid operands for any given assembly instruction. Each InstructionSpec object (described below) contains a list of these operand specifications. It contains properties such as:

  • The type of operand
  • The width of the operand
  • Whether or not the operand is a src or dest operand


This class represents a single instruction specification. It contains a name (i.e. the actual instruction mnemonic, such as ADD) and a list of OperandSpecs, defining valid operands for the instruction. It also has a number of boolean flags that indicate unique attributes about the instruction, such as:

  • If the instruction contains a memory write
  • If the instruction is a control-flow instruction


The Operand class defines an actual operand to be used in an instruction placed into the TCG's generated test case (not to be confused with OperandSpec, which is a set of rules used to define possible operand choices for an instruction). This is an abstract base class that provides a number of sub-classes:

  • RegisterOperand
  • MemoryOperand
  • ImmediateOperand
  • LabelOperand
  • AgenOperand
  • FlagsOperand


Similar to the relationship between OperandSpec and Operand, the Instruction class defines an actual instruction, constrained by an InstructionSpec, that is used during test case generation. It contains a list of Operands and is linked to its neighboring instructions via object references.


Thisi class represents a single basic block within the generated test case (a basic block is a straight-line sequence of assembly instructions that has a single entry and exit point). It contains a list of all instructions contained within, references to its successor basic block(s), and a list of "terminator" instructions (instructions that exit the basic block, such as a branch).


This object represents a collection of basic blocks that form a function. It has an "entry" basic block and an "exit" basic block, along with a list of all basic blocks that comprise the function.


DAG is short for Directed Acyclic Graph. This object represents the entire test case's control flow. It contains a list of functions that, within, define all instructions to be written out to the test case's assembly file.