Python Code

# One of the most important things in 3D visualization is camera control.
# Scenepic allows you to set a per-frame camera and also to insert the
# camera itself as an object into the scene.
# while the user can always choose to override the default camera, having a
# camera track specified can be helpful for demonstrating particular
# items in 3D. We will also show off the flexible Camera class.

scene = sp.Scene()
spin_canvas = scene.create_canvas_3d("spin")
spiral_canvas = scene.create_canvas_3d("spiral")

# let's create some items in the scene so we have a frame of reference
polar_bear = scene.create_image(image_id="polar_bear")
uv_texture = scene.create_image(image_id="texture")

cube = scene.create_mesh("cube", texture_id=polar_bear.image_id)
sphere = scene.create_mesh("sphere", texture_id=uv_texture.image_id)
sphere.add_icosphere(steps=4, transform=sp.Transforms.translate([0, 1, 0]))

num_frames = 60
for i in range(num_frames):
    angle = i * np.pi * 2 / num_frames

    # for the first camera we will spin in place on the Z axis
    rotation = sp.Transforms.rotation_about_z(angle)
    spin_camera = sp.Camera(center=[0, 0, 4], rotation=rotation, fov_y_degrees=30.0)

    # for the second camera, we will spin the camera in a spiral around the scene
    # we can do this using the look-at initialization, which provides a straightforward
    # "look at" interface for camera placement.
    camera_center = [4 * np.cos(angle), i * 4 / num_frames - 2, 4 * np.sin(angle)]
    spiral_camera = sp.Camera(camera_center, look_at=[0, 0.5, 0])

    # we can add frustums directly using the ScenePic camera objects
    frustums = scene.create_mesh()
    frustums.add_camera_frustum(spin_camera, sp.Colors.Red)
    frustums.add_camera_frustum(spiral_camera, sp.Colors.Green)

    spin_frame = spin_canvas.create_frame() = spin_camera  # each frame can have its own camera object
    spin_frame.add_meshes([cube, sphere, frustums])

    spiral_frame = spiral_canvas.create_frame() = spiral_camera
    spiral_frame.add_meshes([cube, sphere, frustums])

scene.link_canvas_events(spin_canvas, spiral_canvas)
return scene
WireFillOpacityLayer Id
WireFillOpacityLayer Id
Click for Help ▽
space: play/pause
+/-: adjust play speed
shift: translate
ctrl: twist
alt: slow translation/rotation
tab: toggle between first person/focus cameras
alt+#: toggle visibility of layer #
r: reset view
\: toggle orbit camera
caps: move focus point (modal)
l: lock camera translation to focus point
o: lock camera orientation to focus point
drag: rotate/translate (focus) swivel (first person)
wasdqe: translate (first person)
wheel: translate camera
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