Python Code

# when we build a ScenePic we are essentially building a web
# page, and the ScenePic will automatically populate parts of
# that webpage.

# the scene object acts as the root of the entire ScenePic environment
scene = sp.Scene()

# you can use it to create one or more canvases to display 3D or 2D
# objects. Canvas objects display Frames. For a static ScenePic, there
# will only be a single Frame, but you can use multiple frames to create
# an animation or to display a range of visualizations in the same visual
# space. We will create one 3D canvas to display the full scene, and then
# some 2D canvases which will show projections of the scene.
main = scene.create_canvas_3d(width=600, height=600)
projx = scene.create_canvas_2d("projx", width=200, height=200)
projy = scene.create_canvas_2d("projy", width=200, height=200)
projz = scene.create_canvas_2d("projz", width=200, height=200)

# the scene object is also used to create Mesh objects that will be added
# to frames. We are going to create an animation of some spheres orbiting
# a fixed cube, so let's create a default unit cube to start.
cube = scene.create_mesh("cube")

# the Mesh object has a variety of methods for adding primitive objects
# or loading arbitrary mesh geometry. In this example, we will just
# be using primitives, but the python tutorial shows all the various
# methods for adding geometry to a mesh.

# let's create our spheres as well, using some different colors
sphere_names = ["red", "green", "blue"]
sphere_colors = [sp.Colors.Red, sp.Colors.Green, sp.Colors.Blue]
spheres = []
for name, color in zip(sphere_names, sphere_colors):
    # by placing each sphere on a different layer, we can toggle them on and off
    sphere = scene.create_mesh("{}_sphere".format(name), layer_id=name)
    sphere.add_sphere(color=color, transform=sp.Transforms.scale(0.5))

# now we will iteratively create each frame of the animation.
for i in range(180):
    # first we create a frame object. This will be used to populate
    # the 3D canvas.
    main_frame = main.create_frame()

    # Now that we have a frame, we can add the cube mesh to the frame

    # Next, we add the spheres. ScenePic has a variety of useful tools
    # for operating on 3D data. Some of the most useful enable us to
    # create transforms to move meshes around. Let's create the
    # transforms for our three rotating spheres and add them to the frame.
    # NB The Python interface uses numpy for matrices and vectors.
    positions = np.concatenate([np.eye(3, dtype=np.float32) * 1.3,
                                np.ones((3, 1), dtype=np.float32)], axis=-1)
    inc = 2 * np.pi / 180
    positions[0] = sp.Transforms.RotationAboutYAxis(inc * i) @ positions[0].T
    positions[1] = sp.Transforms.RotationAboutZAxis(2 * inc * i) @ positions[1].T
    positions[2] = sp.Transforms.RotationAboutXAxis(3 * inc * i) @ positions[2].T
    positions = positions[:, :3]
    for sphere, position in zip(spheres, positions):
        transform = sp.Transforms.translate(position)
        main_frame.add_mesh(sphere, transform=transform)

    # now we'll populate our projections
    for j, proj in enumerate([projx, projy, projz]):
        proj_frame = proj.create_frame()

        # 2D frames work in pixels (as oppose to world units) so we need
        # to convert positions to pixels.
        proj_frame.add_rectangle(75, 75, 50, 50, fill_color=sp.Colors.White)
        points = np.roll(positions, j, axis=1)[:, 1:]
        points[:, 1] *= -1
        points = points * 50 + 100

        for point, color in zip(points, sphere_colors):
            proj_frame.add_circle(point[0], point[1], 12.5, fill_color=color)

        # let's add some label text
        proj_frame.add_text(proj.canvas_id, 10, 190, size_in_pixels=16)

# this will make user interactions happen to all canvases simultaneously
scene.link_canvas_events(main, projx, projy, projz)

# ScenePic provides some useful layout controls by exposing CSS grid commands
scene.grid(width="800px", grid_template_rows="200px 200px 200px", grid_template_columns="600px 200px"), "1 / span 3", "1"), "1", "2"), "2", "2"), "3", "2")
return scene
WireFillOpacityLayer Id
Click for Help ▽
space: play/pause
+/-: adjust play speed
shift: translate
ctrl: twist
alt: slow translation/rotation
tab: toggle between first person/focus cameras
alt+#: toggle visibility of layer #
r: reset view
\: toggle orbit camera
caps: move focus point (modal)
l: lock camera translation to focus point
o: lock camera orientation to focus point
drag: rotate/translate (focus) swivel (first person)
wasdqe: translate (first person)
wheel: translate camera
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