
Annotations and Modifiers


Method/variable annotations and modifiers should go on the same line as the rest of the definition. i.e.


Consistency makes PRs easier to read as well as removing any potential disagreements.


// good: On the same line
@objc func doThing() { }

// bad: Not on the same line
func doThing() { }

There is an exception for when you are renaming for Objective-C. In that case, the annotation may go on the preceeding line. e.g.

enum Thing: Int {

The ordering for the annotations follows that of SwiftLint. i.e. @objc, @nonobjc, @objcMembers, @IBAction, @IBOutlet, @IBDesignable, IBInspectable, @NSManaged, @NSCopying


Similarly, modifiers should go on the same line and follow SwiftLint conventions for order. e.g.

Regarding the ordering of the annotations, we again follow SwiftLint. i.e. The order should be: