Microsoft TileCode

Design, Code, and Play Games on MakeCode Arcade Devices

Game Mechanics

The behavior of a video game can be described informally in English by game mechanics, the desired interactions and relationships among the game elements, which includes both digital elements (such as tiles and sprites in TileCode) and physical elements (the buttons on a gaming handheld).

For example, the classic Snake video game can be partially described as follows:

Game mechanics generally fall into one of three categories:


When you analyze a video game’s mechanics, it’s good to have a checklist of questions to ask about the game:

When we talk about key elements, we meanelements of the game which, if eliminated, would substantially affect the game play.

Refining Mechanics

The mechanics for the Snake game given above is highly ambiguous and leaves much undefined; for example, what does it mean for a segment of the snake to “follow” the segment in front of it?
Much of this imprecision can be discovered, discussed, and worked through using pencil and paper.

Once the mechanics are programmed using the TileCode app, testing will continue to reveal issues and help to further refine the mechanics.

Video games offer several advantages for the process of developing an (English) description, refining it, and then implementing it:

The process of describing the mechanics of an existing game is an interesting exercise in its own right, a form of “reverse engineering” where one analyzes the behavior of a program to extract a high-level descriptiopn of that behavior.

Analyzing and describing the mechanics of existing games and then implementing them is a great way to get started, before moving on to create one’s own games.