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Based on the principle of consistency, this function identifies whether a habit exists over a given interval of time. A habit is defined as a behaviour (action taken) that is repeated at least x number of times consistently over n weeks.


  threshold = 1,
  hrvar = NULL,
  return = "plot",
  plot_mode = "time"



Data frame containing Person Query to be analysed. The data frame must have a PersonId, MetricDate and a column containing a metric for classifying behaviour.


Character string specifying the metric to be analysed.


Numeric value specifying the minimum number of times the metric sum up to in order to be a valid count. A 'greater than or equal to' logic is used.


Integer specifying the number of qualifying counts to consider for a habit. The function assumes a weekly interval is used.


Integer specifying the maximum unit of dates to consider a qualifying window for a habit. If your data is grouped at a weekly level, then max_window = 12 would consider 12 weeks.


Character string specifying the HR attribute or organisational variable to group by. Default is NULL.


Character string specifying the type of output to be returned. Valid options include:

  • "data": Returns the data frame with the habit classification.

  • "plot": Returns a ggplot object of a boxplot, showing the percentage of periods with where habitual behaviour occurred.

  • "summary": Returns a summary table of the habit analysis.


Character string specifying the type of plot to be returned. Only applicable when return = "plot". Valid options include:

  • "time": Returns a time series plot with the breakdown of users with habitual behaviour.

  • "boxplot": Returns a boxplot of the percentage of periods with habitual behaviour.


Each week is considered as a binary variable on whether sufficient action has been taken for that given week (a qualifying count). Sufficiency is determined by the threshold parameter. For instance, if the threshold is set to 2, this means that there must be 2 qualifying actions (e.g. summarise meeting in Copilot) in a week for there to be a qualifying count for the week. One way of determining the parameters would be to consider, how many counts of width should occur within a max_window period for it to be considered a habit?


# Return a plot
  metric = "Multitasking_hours",
  threshold = 1,
  width = 9,
  max_window = 12,
  return = "plot"

# Return a summary
  metric = "Multitasking_hours",
  threshold = 1,
  width = 9,
  max_window = 12,
  return = "summary"
#> # A tibble: 21 × 2
#>    Statistics                                    Value
#>    <chr>                                         <dbl>
#>  1 Most recent week - Total persons with habit 218    
#>  2 Most recent week - % of pop with habit        0.727
#>  3 Total Persons who have lost habit           128    
#>  4 % of Persons who have lost habit              0.427
#>  5 Total Persons who have gained habit         287    
#>  6 % of Persons who have gained habit            0.957
#>  7 Mean - % of Person-weeks with habit           0.405
#>  8 Min - % of Person-weeks with habit            0    
#>  9 p10                                           0.126
#> 10 p25                                           0.293
#> # ℹ 11 more rows