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Row-bind an identical data frame and impute a specific column with the target_value, which defaults as "Total". The purpose of this is to enable to creation of summary tables with a calculated "Total" row. See example below on usage.


totals_bind(data, target_col, target_value = "Total")



data frame


Character value of the column in which to impute "Total". This is usually the intended grouping column.


Character value to impute in the new data frame to row-bind. Defaults to "Total".


data frame with twice the number of rows of the input data frame, where half of those rows will have the target_col column imputed with the value from target_value.


pq_data %>%
  totals_bind(target_col = "LevelDesignation", target_value = "Total") %>%
  create_bar(hrvar = "LevelDesignation", metric = "Email_hours", return = "table")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   group     Email_hours     n
#>   <chr>           <dbl> <int>
#> 1 Director        2.50      6
#> 2 Junior IC       0.991    10
#> 3 Manager         1.53     11
#> 4 Senior IC       1.11     20
#> 5 Support         1.08     53
#> 6 Total           1.21    100