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Introduction to NLP with TensorFlow

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Introduction to NLP with TensorFlow


In this workshop, we will cover how text is processed using TensorFlow, a popular platform for machine learning.

Goal Description
What will you learn Analyze text using TensorFlow
What you’ll need <ul><li>Python</li> <li>Visual Studio Code</li><li>Setup VSCode for Data Science</li></ul>
Duration 1 hour
Slides Powerpoint


Tensorflow and Keras for NLP

🎥 Click the image above to learn how to deliver this workshop



You can activate the sandbox environments in each module, or alternately setup your local environment:

If you are trying the examples in a local environment, install required libraries and download the dataset in the same directory where the notebooks are:

$ pip install --quiet tensorflow_datasets==4.4.0
$ wget -q -O - | tar xz

What you will learn

TensorFlow is a popular Machine Learning platform that allows many workflows and operations for Machine Learning in Python. In this workshop, you’ll be learn how to process and analyze text, so that you can create generated text or answer questions based on context.

Image of generated text Image of sequential training

Milestone 1: Represent text as Tensors

Complete the sandboxed Jupyter Notebook which will go through the following:

Milestone 2: Represent words with embeddings

Go through the sandboxed Jupyter Notebook to work with the AG News dataset and try to represent a semantic meaning of a word.

In this section you will:

Milestone 3: Capture patterns with recurrent neural networks

Work through the sandboxed Jupyter Notebook to understand not only the aggregated meaning of words but take into account the order. To capture the meaning of a text sequence you’ll use a recurrent neural network.

The notebook will go through the following items:

Milestone 4: Generate text with recurrent networks

Complete the sandboxed Jupyter Notebook to discover how to generate text using RNNs (Recurrent Neural Networks). In this final section of the workshop, you’ll cover the following:


Verify your knowledge with a short quiz

Next steps

There are other Learn Modules for TensorFlow that are grouped in the TensorFlow fundamentals Learning Path


In this workshop you used pre-trained models which may yield limited results. Try using other data sources to train your own model. What can you discover?


Be sure to give feedback about this workshop!

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