XPOC Manifest CSV Converter

This page converts accounts and content data stored in comma-separated-value files (.cvs) into a XPOC manifest. See the accounts.csv and content.csv templates containing the right header row.

Enter the XPOC manifest owner information, select an accounts or a content file (or both), and click the generation button to create the manifest. You can then "Copy" or "Save" the manifest file.

Enter XPOC owner details

iName of the XPOC manifest owner
iBase URL of the XPOC manifest location (e.g., "example.com" or "example.com/path")

Select accounts file to convert (CSV format iThe .cvs file must contain a header line with the following fields: account, platform, url)

Select content file to convert (CSV formatiThe .cvs file must contain a header line with the following fields: account, platform, url, desc, puid, timestamp)