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Download the latest release: Get-CalendarDiagnosticObjectsSummary.ps1

This script runs the Get-CalendarDiagnosticObjects script and returns a summarized timeline of actions into clear english. To run the script, you will need a valid SMTP Address for a user and a meeting Subject or MeetingID.

The script will display summarized timeline of actions and save the logs returned is csv format in the current directory.


Example to return timeline for a user with MeetingID

.\Get-CalendarDiagnosticObjectsSummary.ps1 -Identity -MeetingID 040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E0080000000010E4301F9312D801000000000000000010000000996102014F1D484A8123C16DDBF8603E

Example to return timeline for a user with Subject

.\Get-CalendarDiagnosticObjectsSummary.ps1 -Identity -Subject Test_OneTime_Meeting_Subject