Source code for qcodes.instrument.ip

"""Ethernet instrument driver class based on sockets."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import socket
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from .instrument import Instrument

    from import Sequence
    from types import TracebackType

    from typing_extensions import Unpack

    from .instrument_base import InstrumentBaseKWArgs

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class IPInstrument(Instrument): r""" Bare socket ethernet instrument implementation. Use of `VisaInstrument` is promoted instead of this. Args: name: What this instrument is called locally. address: The IP address or name. If not given on construction, must be provided before any communication. port: The IP port. If not given on construction, must be provided before any communication. timeout: Seconds to allow for responses. Default 5. terminator: Character(s) to terminate each send. Default '\n'. persistent: Whether to leave the socket open between calls. Default True. write_confirmation: Whether the instrument acknowledges writes with some response we should read. Default True. **kwargs: Forwarded to the base class. See help for ``qcodes.Instrument`` for additional information on writing instrument subclasses. """ def __init__( self, name: str, address: str | None = None, port: int | None = None, timeout: float = 5, terminator: str = "\n", persistent: bool = True, write_confirmation: bool = True, **kwargs: Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs], ): super().__init__(name, **kwargs) self._address = address self._port = port self._timeout = timeout self._terminator = terminator self._confirmation = write_confirmation self._ensure_connection = EnsureConnection(self) self._buffer_size = 1400 self._socket: socket.socket | None = None self.set_persistent(persistent)
[docs] def set_address(self, address: str | None = None, port: int | None = None) -> None: """ Change the IP address and/or port of this instrument. Args: address: The IP address or name. port: The IP port. """ if address is not None: self._address = address elif not hasattr(self, '_address'): raise TypeError('This instrument doesn\'t have an address yet, ' 'you must provide one.') if port is not None: self._port = port elif not hasattr(self, '_port'): raise TypeError('This instrument doesn\'t have a port yet, ' 'you must provide one.') self._disconnect() self.set_persistent(self._persistent)
[docs] def set_persistent(self, persistent: bool) -> None: """ Change whether this instrument keeps its socket open between calls. Args: persistent: Set True to keep the socket open all the time. """ self._persistent = persistent if persistent: self._connect() else: self._disconnect()
[docs] def flush_connection(self) -> None: self._recv()
def _connect(self) -> None: if self._socket is not None: self._disconnect() try:"Opening socket") self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)"Connecting socket to {self._address}:{self._port}") self._socket.connect((self._address, self._port)) self.set_timeout(self._timeout) except ConnectionRefusedError: log.warning("Socket connection failed") if self._socket is not None: self._socket.close() self._socket = None raise def _disconnect(self) -> None: if self._socket is None: return"Socket shutdown") self._socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)"Socket closing") self._socket.close()"Socket closed") self._socket = None
[docs] def set_timeout(self, timeout: float) -> None: """ Change the read timeout for the socket. Args: timeout: Seconds to allow for responses. """ self._timeout = timeout if self._socket is not None: self._socket.settimeout(float(self._timeout))
[docs] def set_terminator(self, terminator: str) -> None: r""" Change the write terminator to use. Args: terminator: Character(s) to terminate each send. Default '\n'. """ self._terminator = terminator
def _send(self, cmd: str) -> None: if self._socket is None: raise RuntimeError(f'IPInstrument {} is not connected') data = cmd + self._terminator log.debug(f"Writing {data} to instrument {}") self._socket.sendall(data.encode()) def _recv(self) -> str: if self._socket is None: raise RuntimeError(f'IPInstrument {} is not connected') result = self._socket.recv(self._buffer_size) log.debug(f"Got {result!r} from instrument {}") if result == b'': log.warning("Got empty response from Socket recv() " "Connection broken.") return result.decode()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Disconnect and irreversibly tear down the instrument.""" self._disconnect() super().close()
[docs] def write_raw(self, cmd: str) -> None: """ Low-level interface to send a command that gets no response. Args: cmd: The command to send to the instrument. """ with self._ensure_connection: self._send(cmd) if self._confirmation: self._recv()
[docs] def ask_raw(self, cmd: str) -> str: """ Low-level interface to send a command an read a response. Args: cmd: The command to send to the instrument. Returns: The instrument's string response. """ with self._ensure_connection: self._send(cmd) return self._recv()
[docs] def snapshot_base( self, update: bool | None = False, params_to_skip_update: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> dict[Any, Any]: """ State of the instrument as a JSON-compatible dict (everything that the custom JSON encoder class :class:`.NumpyJSONEncoder` supports). Args: update: If True, update the state by querying the instrument. If None only update if the state is known to be invalid. If False, just use the latest values in memory and never update. params_to_skip_update: List of parameter names that will be skipped in update even if update is True. This is useful if you have parameters that are slow to update but can be updated in a different way (as in the qdac). If you want to skip the update of certain parameters in all snapshots, use the `snapshot_get` attribute of those parameters: instead. Returns: dict: base snapshot """ snap = super().snapshot_base( update=update, params_to_skip_update=params_to_skip_update) snap['port'] = self._port snap['confirmation'] = self._confirmation snap['address'] = self._address snap['terminator'] = self._terminator snap['timeout'] = self._timeout snap['persistent'] = self._persistent return snap
class EnsureConnection: """ Context manager to ensure an instrument is connected when needed. Uses ``instrument._persistent`` to determine whether or not to close the connection immediately on completion. Args: instrument: the instance to connect. """ def __init__(self, instrument: IPInstrument): self.instrument = instrument def __enter__(self) -> None: """Make sure we connect when entering the context.""" if not self.instrument._persistent or self.instrument._socket is None: self.instrument._connect() def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_value: BaseException | None, traceback: TracebackType | None, ) -> None: """Possibly disconnect on exiting the context.""" if not self.instrument._persistent: self.instrument._disconnect()