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C++ Rest SDK
The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project aims to help C++ developers connect to and interact with services.
▼NConcurrency | |
Nstreams | Library for asynchronous streams |
Npplx | The pplx namespace provides classes and functions that give you access to the Concurrency Runtime, a concurrent programming framework for C++. For more information, see Concurrency Runtime. |
▼Nutility | Various utilities for string conversions and date and time manipulation |
Nconversions | Functions for Unicode string conversions |
Ntimespan | Functions for converting to/from std::chrono::seconds to xml string |
▼Nweb | The web namespace contains functionality common to multiple protocols like HTTP and WebSockets |
▼Nhttp | Declarations and functionality for the HTTP protocol |
Nclient | HTTP client side library |
▼Nexperimental | HTTP listener is currently in beta |
Nlistener | HTTP server side library |
Nmessage_direction | Message direction |
▼Noauth1 | OAuth 1.0 library |
Nexperimental | OAuth functionality is currently in beta |
▼Noauth2 | OAuth 2.0 library |
Nexperimental | OAuth functionality is currently in beta |
Njson | Library for parsing and serializing JSON values to and from C++ types |
▼Nwebsockets | |
Nclient | WebSocket client side library |