Project Malmo  0.16.0
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malmo::TimestampedVideoFrame Struct Reference

An image with an attached timestamp saying when it was collected. More...

#include <TimestampedVideoFrame.h>

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 TimestampedVideoFrame (short width, short height, short channels, TimestampedUnsignedCharVector &message, Transform transform=IDENTITY)
bool operator== (const TimestampedVideoFrame &other) const

Public Attributes

boost::posix_time::ptime timestamp
 The timestamp.
short width
 The width of the image in pixels.
short height
 The height of the image in pixels.
short channels
 The number of channels. e.g. 3 for RGB data, 4 for RGBD.
std::vector< unsigned char > pixels
 The pixels, stored as channels then columns then rows. Length should be width*height*channels.


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TimestampedVideoFrame &tsvidframe)

Detailed Description

An image with an attached timestamp saying when it was collected.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Don't alter the incoming bytes in any way.


Interpret input bytes as reverse scanline BGR.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: