Enumeration SendRequestReasonConst

The EventsDiscardedReason enumeration contains a set of values that specify the reason for discarding an event.

Enumeration Members

ManualFlush: 1

A manual flush request was received

MaxBatchSize: 10

Maximum batch size would be exceeded

MaxQueuedEvents: 20

The Maximum number of events have already been queued

NormalSchedule: 1

Events are being sent based on the normal event schedule / timer.

Resumed: 4

The Channel was resumed

Retry: 5

The event(s) being sent as a retry

SdkUnload: 6

The SDK is unloading

SyncEvent: 3

The event(s) being sent are sync events

Undefined: 0

No specific reason was specified

Unload: 2

Unload event is being processed

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