Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK  1.1.2
Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.BodyTracking.Tracker Class Reference

Represents Azure Kinect body tracking component. More...

Public Member Functions

void SetTemporalSmooting (float smoothingFactor)
 Control the temporal smoothing across frames. More...
void EnqueueCapture (Capture capture, TimeSpan timeout)
 Add a Azure Kinect sensor capture to the tracker input queue to generate its body tracking result asynchronously. More...
void EnqueueCapture (Capture capture)
 Add a k4a sensor capture to the tracker input queue to generate its body tracking result asynchronously. More...
Frame PopResult (TimeSpan timeout, bool throwOnTimeout=true)
 Gets the next available body frame. More...
Frame PopResult (bool throwOnTimeout=true)
 Gets the next available body frame. More...
void Shutdown ()
 Shutdown the tracker so that no further capture can be added to the input queue. More...
void Dispose ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Tracker Create (Calibration calibration, TrackerConfiguration configuration)
 Create a body tracking component. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
 Disposes the resources held by the tracker. More...

Detailed Description

Represents Azure Kinect body tracking component.

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