Azure Kinect Sensor SDK  refs/heads/develop
Documentation for
k4a_calibration_t Struct Reference

Calibration type representing device calibration. More...

#include <k4atypes.h>

Data Fields

k4a_calibration_camera_t depth_camera_calibration
 Depth camera calibration. More...
k4a_calibration_camera_t color_camera_calibration
 Color camera calibration. More...
k4a_calibration_extrinsics_t extrinsics [K4A_CALIBRATION_TYPE_NUM][K4A_CALIBRATION_TYPE_NUM]
 Extrinsic transformation parameters. More...
k4a_depth_mode_t depth_mode
 Depth camera mode for which calibration was obtained. More...
k4a_color_resolution_t color_resolution
 Color camera resolution for which calibration was obtained. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

k4a_result_t k4a_calibration_3d_to_3d (const k4a_calibration_t *calibration, const k4a_float3_t *source_point3d_mm, const k4a_calibration_type_t source_camera, const k4a_calibration_type_t target_camera, k4a_float3_t *target_point3d_mm)
 Transform a 3D point of a source coordinate system into a 3D point of the target coordinate system. More...
k4a_result_t k4a_calibration_2d_to_3d (const k4a_calibration_t *calibration, const k4a_float2_t *source_point2d, const float source_depth_mm, const k4a_calibration_type_t source_camera, const k4a_calibration_type_t target_camera, k4a_float3_t *target_point3d_mm, int *valid)
 Transform a 2D pixel coordinate with an associated depth value of the source camera into a 3D point of the target coordinate system. More...
k4a_result_t k4a_calibration_3d_to_2d (const k4a_calibration_t *calibration, const k4a_float3_t *source_point3d_mm, const k4a_calibration_type_t source_camera, const k4a_calibration_type_t target_camera, k4a_float2_t *target_point2d, int *valid)
 Transform a 3D point of a source coordinate system into a 2D pixel coordinate of the target camera. More...
k4a_result_t k4a_calibration_2d_to_2d (const k4a_calibration_t *calibration, const k4a_float2_t *source_point2d, const float source_depth_mm, const k4a_calibration_type_t source_camera, const k4a_calibration_type_t target_camera, k4a_float2_t *target_point2d, int *valid)
 Transform a 2D pixel coordinate with an associated depth value of the source camera into a 2D pixel coordinate of the target camera. More...
k4a_result_t k4a_calibration_color_2d_to_depth_2d (const k4a_calibration_t *calibration, const k4a_float2_t *source_point2d, const k4a_image_t depth_image, k4a_float2_t *target_point2d, int *valid)
 Transform a 2D pixel coordinate from color camera into a 2D pixel coordinate of the depth camera. More...
k4a_transformation_t k4a_transformation_create (const k4a_calibration_t *calibration)
 Get handle to transformation handle. More...

Detailed Description

Calibration type representing device calibration.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: