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ScriptEngineAddCOMType(String, String) Method

Imports a COM/ActiveX type and exposes it to script code. The registered class is specified by programmatic identifier (ProgID).

Namespace: Microsoft.ClearScript
Assembly: ClearScript.Core (in ClearScript.Core.dll) Version: 7.4.5
public void AddCOMType(
	string itemName,
	string progID


itemName  String
A name for the new global script item that will represent the type.
progID  String
The programmatic identifier (ProgID) of the registered class to import.


IScriptEngineAddCOMType(String, String)

The progID argument can be a class identifier (CLSID) in standard GUID format with braces (e.g., "{0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C9054228}").

For information about the mapping between host members and script-callable properties and methods, see AddHostObject(String, HostItemFlags, Object).

See Also