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JavaScriptObjectKind Enumeration

Defines JavaScript object kinds.

Namespace: Microsoft.ClearScript.JavaScript
Assembly: ClearScript.Core (in ClearScript.Core.dll) Version: 7.4.5
public enum JavaScriptObjectKind
Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 Indicates that the object is generic or of an unknown kind.
Function1 Indicates that the object is a function.
Iterator2 Indicates that the object is an iterator.
Promise3 Indicates that the object is a promise.
Array4 Indicates that the object is an array and implements IList.
ArrayBuffer5 Indicates that the object is an ArrayBuffer and implements IArrayBuffer.
DataView6 Indicates that the object is a DataView and implements IDataView.
TypedArray7 Indicates that the object is a typed array and implements ITypedArray<T>.
See Also