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def infer_lang(code)

infer the language for the code. TODO: make it robust.


def extract_code(text: str, pattern: str = CODE_BLOCK_PATTERN) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]

Extract code from a text.


  • text str - The text to extract code from.
  • pattern Optional, str - The regular expression pattern for finding the code block.


  • list - A list of tuples, each containing the language and the code.


def generate_code(pattern: str = CODE_BLOCK_PATTERN, **config) -> Tuple[str, float]

Generate code.


  • pattern Optional, str - The regular expression pattern for finding the code block. The default pattern is for finding a code block in a markdown file.
  • config Optional, dict - The configuration for the API call.


  • str - The generated code.
  • float - The cost of the generation.


def improve_function(file_name, func_name, objective, **config)

(work in progress) Improve the function to achieve the objective.


def improve_code(files, objective, suggest_only=True, **config)

Improve the code to achieve a given objective.


  • files list - A list of file names containing the source code.
  • objective str - The objective to achieve.
  • suggest_only bool - Whether to return only the suggestions or the improved code.
  • config Optional, dict - The configuration for the API call.


  • str - The improved code if suggest_only=False; a list of suggestions if suggest_only=True (default).
  • float - The cost of the generation.


def execute_code(code: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, work_dir: Optional[str] = None, use_docker: Optional[Union[List[str], str, bool]] = docker is not None, lang: Optional[str] = "python") -> Tuple[int, str, str]

Execute code in a docker container. This function is not tested on MacOS.


  • code Optional, str - The code to execute. If None, the code from the file specified by filename will be executed. Either code or filename must be provided.
  • timeout Optional, int - The maximum execution time in seconds. If None, a default timeout will be used. The default timeout is 600 seconds. On Windows, the timeout is not enforced when use_docker=False.
  • filename Optional, str - The file name to save the code or where the code is stored when code is None. If None, a file with a randomly generated name will be created. The randomly generated file will be deleted after execution. The file name must be a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the working directory.
  • work_dir Optional, str - The working directory for the code execution. If None, a default working directory will be used. The default working directory is the "extensions" directory under "path_to_flaml/autogen".
  • use_docker Optional, list, str or bool - The docker image to use for code execution. If a list or a str of image name(s) is provided, the code will be executed in a docker container with the first image successfully pulled. If None, False or empty, the code will be executed in the current environment. Default is True, which will be converted into a list. If the code is executed in the current environment, the code must be trusted.
  • lang Optional, str - The language of the code. Default is "python".


  • int - 0 if the code executes successfully.
  • str - The error message if the code fails to execute; the stdout otherwise.
  • image - The docker image name after container run when docker is used.


def generate_assertions(definition: str, **config) -> Tuple[str, float]

Generate assertions for a function.


  • definition str - The function definition, including the signature and docstr.
  • config Optional, dict - The configuration for the API call.


  • str - The generated assertions.
  • float - The cost of the generation.


def eval_function_completions(responses: List[str], definition: str, test: Optional[str] = None, entry_point: Optional[str] = None, assertions: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[str], Tuple[str, float]]]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = 3, use_docker: Optional[bool] = True) -> Dict

Select a response from a list of responses for the function completion task (using generated assertions), and/or evaluate if the task is successful using a gold test.


  • responses list - The list of responses.
  • definition str - The input definition.
  • test Optional, str - The test code.
  • entry_point Optional, str - The name of the function.
  • assertions Optional, str or Callable - The assertion code which serves as a filter of the responses, or an assertion generator. When provided, only the responses that pass the assertions will be considered for the actual test (if provided).
  • timeout Optional, float - The timeout for executing the code.


  • dict - The success metrics.

PassAssertionFilter Objects

class PassAssertionFilter()


def pass_assertions(context, response, **_)

Check if the response passes the assertions.


def implement(definition: str, configs: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, assertions: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[str], Tuple[str, float]]]] = generate_assertions) -> Tuple[str, float]

Implement a function from a definition.


  • definition str - The function definition, including the signature and docstr.
  • configs list - The list of configurations for completion.
  • assertions Optional, str or Callable - The assertion code which serves as a filter of the responses, or an assertion generator.


  • str - The implementation.
  • float - The cost of the implementation.
  • int - The index of the configuration which generates the implementation.