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def suggest_config(task, X, y, estimator_or_predictor, location=None, k=None, meta_feature_fn=meta_feature)

Suggest a list of configs for the given task and training data.

The returned configs can be used as starting points for FLAML_sample_size is removed from the configs.


def suggest_learner(task, X, y, estimator_or_predictor="all", estimator_list=None, location=None)

Suggest best learner within estimator_list.


def suggest_hyperparams(task, X, y, estimator_or_predictor, location=None)

Suggest hyperparameter configurations and an estimator class.

The configurations can be used to initialize the estimator class like lightgbm.LGBMRegressor.


hyperparams, estimator_class = suggest_hyperparams("regression", X_train, y_train, "lgbm")
model = estimator_class(**hyperparams) # estimator_class is LGBMRegressor, y_train)


  • task - A string of the task type, e.g., 'classification', 'regression', 'ts_forecast', 'rank', 'seq-classification', 'seq-regression'.
  • X - A dataframe of training data in shape n*m. For 'ts_forecast' task, the first column of X_train must be the timestamp column (datetime type). Other columns in the dataframe are assumed to be exogenous variables (categorical or numeric).
  • y - A series of labels in shape n*1.
  • estimator_or_predictor - A str of the learner name or a dict of the learned config predictor. If a dict, it contains:
    • "version": a str of the version number.
    • "preprocessing": a dictionary containing:
    • "center": a list of meta feature value offsets for normalization.
    • "scale": a list of meta feature scales to normalize each dimension.
    • "neighbors": a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains:
    • "features": a list of the normalized meta features for a neighbor.
    • "choice": an integer of the configuration id in the portfolio.
    • "portfolio": a list of dictionaries, each corresponding to a configuration:
    • "class": a str of the learner name.
    • "hyperparameters": a dict of the config. The key "FLAML_sample_size" will be ignored.
  • location - (Optional) A str of the location containing mined portfolio file. Only valid when the portfolio is a str, by default the location is flaml/default.


  • hyperparams - A dict of the hyperparameter configurations.
  • estiamtor_class - A class of the underlying estimator, e.g., lightgbm.LGBMClassifier.


def preprocess_and_suggest_hyperparams(task, X, y, estimator_or_predictor, location=None)

Preprocess the data and suggest hyperparameters.


hyperparams, estimator_class, X, y, feature_transformer, label_transformer = \
preprocess_and_suggest_hyperparams("classification", X_train, y_train, "xgb_limitdepth")
model = estimator_class(**hyperparams) # estimator_class is XGBClassifier, y)
X_test = feature_transformer.transform(X_test)
y_pred = label_transformer.inverse_transform(pd.Series(model.predict(X_test).astype(int)))


  • task - A string of the task type, e.g., 'classification', 'regression', 'ts_forecast', 'rank', 'seq-classification', 'seq-regression'.
  • X - A dataframe of training data in shape n*m. For 'ts_forecast' task, the first column of X_train must be the timestamp column (datetime type). Other columns in the dataframe are assumed to be exogenous variables (categorical or numeric).
  • y - A series of labels in shape n*1.
  • estimator_or_predictor - A str of the learner name or a dict of the learned config predictor. "choose_xgb" means choosing between xgb_limitdepth and xgboost. If a dict, it contains:
    • "version": a str of the version number.
    • "preprocessing": a dictionary containing:
    • "center": a list of meta feature value offsets for normalization.
    • "scale": a list of meta feature scales to normalize each dimension.
    • "neighbors": a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains:
    • "features": a list of the normalized meta features for a neighbor.
    • "choice": a integer of the configuration id in the portfolio.
    • "portfolio": a list of dictionaries, each corresponding to a configuration:
    • "class": a str of the learner name.
    • "hyperparameters": a dict of the config. They key "FLAML_sample_size" will be ignored.
  • location - (Optional) A str of the location containing mined portfolio file. Only valid when the portfolio is a str, by default the location is flaml/default.


  • hyperparams - A dict of the hyperparameter configurations.
  • estiamtor_class - A class of the underlying estimator, e.g., lightgbm.LGBMClassifier.
  • X - the preprocessed X.
  • y - the preprocessed y.
  • feature_transformer - a data transformer that can be applied to X_test.
  • label_transformer - a label transformer that can be applied to y_test.