Source code for

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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import importlib
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Union

import as system_alias
from olive.azureml.azureml_client import AzureMLClientConfig
from olive.common.config_utils import ConfigBase, validate_config
from olive.common.pydantic_v1 import root_validator, validator
from import (

class TargetUserConfig(ConfigBase):
    accelerators: List[AcceleratorConfig] = None
    hf_token: bool = None

    class Config:
        validate_assignment = True

[docs]class LocalTargetUserConfig(TargetUserConfig): pass
[docs]class DockerTargetUserConfig(TargetUserConfig): # the local_docker_config is optional for managed environments and required for normal docker system local_docker_config: LocalDockerConfig = None is_dev: bool = False olive_managed_env: bool = False requirements_file: Union[Path, str] = None
[docs]class AzureMLTargetUserConfig(TargetUserConfig): azureml_client_config: AzureMLClientConfig = None aml_compute: str aml_docker_config: AzureMLDockerConfig = None aml_environment_config: AzureMLEnvironmentConfig = None tags: Dict = None resources: Dict = None instance_count: int = 1 is_dev: bool = False olive_managed_env: bool = False requirements_file: Union[Path, str] = None
class CommonPythonEnvTargetUserConfig(TargetUserConfig): # path to the python environment, e.g. /home/user/anaconda3/envs/myenv, /home/user/.virtualenvs/ python_environment_path: Union[Path, str] = None environment_variables: Dict[str, str] = None # os.environ will be updated with these variables prepend_to_path: List[str] = None # paths to prepend to os.environ["PATH"] @validator("python_environment_path", "prepend_to_path", pre=True, each_item=True) def _get_abspath(cls, v): return str(Path(v).resolve()) if v else None
[docs]class PythonEnvironmentTargetUserConfig(CommonPythonEnvTargetUserConfig): olive_managed_env: bool = False # if True, the environment will be created and managed by Olive requirements_file: Union[Path, str] = None # path to the requirements.txt file @root_validator(pre=True) def _validate_python_environment_path(cls, values): # if olive_managed_env is True, python_environment_path is not required if values.get("olive_managed_env"): return values python_environment_path = values.get("python_environment_path") if python_environment_path is None: raise ValueError("python_environment_path is required for PythonEnvironmentSystem native mode") # check if the path exists if not Path(python_environment_path).exists(): raise ValueError(f"Python path {python_environment_path} does not exist") # check if python exists in the path python_path = shutil.which("python", path=python_environment_path) if not python_path: raise ValueError(f"Python executable not found in the path {python_environment_path}") return values
[docs]class IsolatedORTTargetUserConfig(CommonPythonEnvTargetUserConfig): # Please refer to # In Pydantic v1, missing a optional field will skip the validation. But if the field is specified as None # The validation will be triggered. As the result, we cannot use the following line to make the field as required # since the validation will still be triggered if user pass it as None. # A better approach is to use always=True to check it is required. # python_environment_path: Union[Path, str] @validator("python_environment_path", always=True) def _validate_python_environment_path(cls, v): if v is None: raise ValueError("python_environment_path is required for IsolatedORTSystem") # check if the path exists if not Path(v).exists(): raise ValueError(f"Python path {v} does not exist") # check if python exists in the path python_path = shutil.which("python", path=v) if not python_path: raise ValueError(f"Python executable not found in the path {v}") return v
_type_to_config = { SystemType.Local: LocalTargetUserConfig, SystemType.AzureML: AzureMLTargetUserConfig, SystemType.Docker: DockerTargetUserConfig, SystemType.PythonEnvironment: PythonEnvironmentTargetUserConfig, SystemType.IsolatedORT: IsolatedORTTargetUserConfig, } _type_to_system_path = { SystemType.Local: "", SystemType.AzureML: "", SystemType.Docker: "", SystemType.PythonEnvironment: "", SystemType.IsolatedORT: "", } def import_system_from_type(system_type: SystemType): system_path = _type_to_system_path[system_type] module_path, class_name = system_path.rsplit(".", 1) module = importlib.import_module(module_path) return getattr(module, class_name)
[docs]class SystemConfig(ConfigBase): type: SystemType config: TargetUserConfig = None @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_config_type(cls, values): type_name = values.get("type") system_alias_class = getattr(system_alias, type_name, None) if system_alias_class: values["type"] = system_alias_class.system_type if "config" not in values: values["config"] = {} if values["type"] == SystemType.AzureML and not values["config"].get("accelerators"): raise ValueError("accelerators is required for AzureML system") if system_alias_class.accelerators: valid_accelerators = [] if not values["config"].get("accelerators"): valid_accelerators = [ {"device": acc, "execution_providers": None} for acc in system_alias_class.accelerators ] else: for device in system_alias_class.accelerators: valid_accelerators.extend( {"device": acc["device"], "execution_providers": acc.get("execution_providers")} for acc in values["config"]["accelerators"] if acc["device"].lower() == device.lower() ) values["config"]["accelerators"] = valid_accelerators or None # TODO(myguo): consider how to use num_cpus and num_gpus in distributed inference. return values @validator("config", pre=True, always=True) def validate_config(cls, v, values): if "type" not in values: raise ValueError("Invalid type") system_type = values["type"] config_class = _type_to_config[system_type] return validate_config(v, config_class)
[docs] def create_system(self): system_class = import_system_from_type(self.type) if system_class.system_type == SystemType.AzureML and not self.config.azureml_client_config: raise ValueError("azureml_client is required for AzureML system") return system_class(**self.config.dict())
@property def olive_managed_env(self): return getattr(self.config, "olive_managed_env", False) # the __hash__ is needed so to create_managed_system_with_cache, otherwise the following error will be raised: # unhashable type: 'SystemConfig' __hash__ = object.__hash__