ONNX is an open graph format to represent machine learning models. ONNX Runtime is a cross-platform machine-learning model accelerator, with a flexible interface to integrate hardware-specific libraries.

Model Conversion#

The OnnxConversion pass converts PyTorch models to ONNX using torch.onnx.

Please refer to OnnxConversion for more details about the pass and its config parameters.

Besides, if you want to convert an existing ONNX model with another target opset, you can use OnnxOpVersionConversion pass, similar configs with above case:

Example Configuration#

    "type": "OnnxConversion",
    "target_opset": 13
    "type": "OnnxOpVersionConversion",
    "target_opset": 14

For generative models, the alternative conversion pass ModelBuilder that integrates the ONNX Runtime Generative AI module can be used.

Please refer to ModelBuilder for more details about the pass and its config parameters.

Example Configuration#

    "type": "ModelBuilder",
    "precision": "int4"

Float16 Conversion#

Converting a model to use Float16 instead of Float32 can decrease the model size and improve performance on some GPUs. The OnnxFloatToFloat16 pass the float16 converter from onnxruntime to convert the model to float16, which convert most nodes/operators to use Float16 instead of Float32.

Conversion to Float16 is often exposed at multiple stages of optimization, including model conversion and transformer optimization. This stand-alone pass is best suited for models that are not transformer architectures, where fusions may rely on a specific data types in node patterns.

Example Configuration#

a. The most basic configuration, which is suitable for many models, leaves all configuration options set to their default values:

    "type": "OnnxFloatToFloat16"

b. More fine-grained control of the conversion conditions is also possible:

    "type": "OnnxFloatToFloat16",
    // Don't convert input/output nodes to Float16
    "keep_io_types": true

See Float16 Conversion for more detailed description of the available configuration parameters.

Inputs/Outputs DataType Conversion#

In certain environments, such as Onnxruntime WebGPU, Float32 logits are preferred. The OnnxIODataTypeConverter pass enables conversion of model inputs and outputs to a specified data type. This is particularly useful for converting between data types such as Float16 and Float32, or any other supported ONNX data types.

Example Configuration#

The simplest configuration converts all inputs and outputs from Float16 (source_dtype = 10) to Float32 (target_dtype = 1), which is suitable for many models:

    "type": "OnnxIODataTypeConverter",
    "source_dtype": 10,
    "target_dtype": 1

Datatype Mapping#

The source_dtype and target_dtype are integers corresponding to ONNX data types. You can find the complete mapping in the ONNX protobuf definition here.

Mixed Precision Conversion#

Converting model to mixed precision.

If float16 conversion is giving poor results, you can convert most of the ops to float16 but leave some in float32. The OrtMixedPrecision pass finds a minimal set of ops to skip while retaining a certain level of accuracy.

The default value for op_block_list is ["SimplifiedLayerNormalization", "SkipSimplifiedLayerNormalization", "Relu", "Add"].

Example Configuration#

a. The most basic configuration, which is suitable for many models, leaves all configuration options set to their default values:

    "type": "OrtMixedPrecision"

b. More fine-grained control of the conversion conditions is also possible:

    "type": "OrtMixedPrecision",
    "op_block_list": [

Convert dynamic shape to fixed shape#

In qnn, snpe and other mobile inference scenarios, the input shape of the model is often fixed. The DynamicToFixedShape pass converts the dynamic shape of the model to a fixed shape.

For example, often models have a dynamic batch size so that training is more efficient. In mobile scenarios the batch generally has a size of 1. Making the batch size dimension ‘fixed’ by setting it to 1 may allow NNAPI and CoreML to run of the model.

The helper can be used to update specific dimensions, or the entire input shape.

Example Configuration#

a. Making a symbolic dimension fixed

    "type": "DynamicToFixedShape",
    "input_dim": ["batch_size"],
    "dim_value": [1]

b. Making the entire input shape fixed

    "type": "DynamicToFixedShape",
    "input_name": ["input"],
    "input_shape": [[1, 3, 224, 224]]

Note: The input_dim and dim_value should have the same length, and the input_name and input_shape should have the same length. Also the input_dim & dim_value and input_name & input_shape should be exclusive to each other, user cannot specify both of them at the same time.

More details about the pass and its config parameters can be found here.