Range algorithms, views, and actions for the Standard Library
ranges::v3::view::tokenize_fn Struct Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for ranges::v3::view::tokenize_fn:

Synopsis of methods

constexpr tokenize_fn tokenize {}

Public Member Functions

template<typename ... Args>
auto operator() (Args &&...args) const -> decltype(base()(static_cast< Args &&>(args)...))
template<typename Arg0 , typename ... Args>
auto operator() (Arg0 &&arg0, std::initializer_list< int > subs, Args &&...args) const -> decltype(base()(static_cast< Arg0 &&>(arg0), std::move(subs), static_cast< Args &&>(args)...))
template<typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename ... Args>
auto operator() (Arg0 &&arg0, Arg1 &&arg1, std::initializer_list< int > subs, Args &&...args) const -> decltype(base()(static_cast< Arg0 &&>(arg0), static_cast< Arg1 &&>(arg1), std::move(subs), static_cast< Args &&>(args)...))
- Public Member Functions inherited from ranges::v3::view::tokenizer_impl_fn
template<typename Rng , typename Regex >
tokenize_view< all_t< Rng >, detail::decay_t< Regex >, intoperator() (Rng &&rng, Regex &&rex, int sub=0, std::regex_constants::match_flag_type flags=std::regex_constants::match_default) const
template<typename Rng , typename Regex >
tokenize_view< all_t< Rng >, detail::decay_t< Regex >, std::vector< int > > operator() (Rng &&rng, Regex &&rex, std::vector< int > subs, std::regex_constants::match_flag_type flags=std::regex_constants::match_default) const
template<typename Rng , typename Regex >
tokenize_view< all_t< Rng >, detail::decay_t< Regex >, std::initializer_list< int > > operator() (Rng &&rng, Regex &&rex, std::initializer_list< int > subs, std::regex_constants::match_flag_type flags=std::regex_constants::match_default) const
template<typename Regex >
auto operator() (Regex &&rex, int sub=0, std::regex_constants::match_flag_type flags=std::regex_constants::match_default) const -> decltype(make_pipeable(std::bind(*this, std::placeholders::_1, bind_forward< Regex >(rex), std::move(sub), std::move(flags))))
template<typename Regex >
auto operator() (Regex &&rex, std::vector< int > subs, std::regex_constants::match_flag_type flags=std::regex_constants::match_default) const -> decltype(make_pipeable(std::bind(*this, std::placeholders::_1, bind_forward< Regex >(rex), std::move(subs), std::move(flags))))
template<typename Regex >
auto operator() (Regex &&rex, std::initializer_list< int > subs, std::regex_constants::match_flag_type flags=std::regex_constants::match_default) const -> decltype(make_pipeable(std::bind(*this, std::placeholders::_1, bind_forward< Regex >(rex), std::move(subs), std::move(flags))))