
Interface ViewerOptions

Customization options for the Viewer.




Optional collapseFacetAxes

collapseFacetAxes: boolean


Custom colors of various parts of the visualization.

Optional disableLasso

disableLasso: boolean

Disable lasso selection.

Optional filterRenderingTimerPadding

filterRenderingTimerPadding: number

Optional fontFamily

fontFamily: string

Font family of text elements.


language: Language

Language settings for the visualization.


maxLegends: number

Maximum number of rows in a legend.

Optional preserveDrawingBuffer

preserveDrawingBuffer: boolean

Optional flag to preserve the WebGL canvas.


selectionPolygonZ: number

Z value of selection polygons.


tickSize: number

Optional tooltipOptions

tooltipOptions: TooltipOptions

Tooltip options

Optional zAxisOptions

zAxisOptions: ZAxisOptions


Optional getTextColor

Optional getTextHighlightColor

Optional onAxisClick

Optional onBeforeCreateLayers

Optional onCanvasClick

  • onCanvasClick(e: MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent): void
  • Optional handler when empty canvas is clicked.


    • e: MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent

    Returns void

Optional onColorContextChange

  • onColorContextChange(): void

Optional onCubeClick

  • onCubeClick(e: MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent, cube: Cube): void
  • Optional handler when cube is clicked.


    • e: MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent
    • cube: Cube

    Returns void

Optional onDataFilter

  • onDataFilter(filter: Search, filteredData: object[]): void

Optional onError

  • onError(errors: string[]): void

Optional onLegendHeaderClick

  • onLegendHeaderClick(e: MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent): void
  • Optional handler when legend header is clicked.


    • e: MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent

    Returns void

Optional onLegendRowClick

  • onLegendRowClick(e: MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent, legendRow: LegendRowWithSearch): void

Optional onNewViewStateTarget

  • onNewViewStateTarget(): boolean

Optional onPresent

  • onPresent(): void

Optional onSelectionChanged

  • onSelectionChanged(search: Search, activeIndex?: number, selectedData?: object[]): void
  • Optional handler to be invoked when selection has changed.


    • search: Search
    • Optional activeIndex: number
    • Optional selectedData: object[]

    Returns void

Optional onStage

  • onStage(stage: Stage): void

Optional onTextClick

Optional onVegaSpec

  • onVegaSpec(vegaSpec: Spec): void
  • Optional handler when Vega spec is created, prior to it being rendered.


    • vegaSpec: Spec

    Returns void


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method

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