Challenge #7 - Admin Your B2C Tenant with MS Graph

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It looks like you’ve done it - CMC IT Leadership is happy with your Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies, QA is satisfied with the functionality of your User Flow policies, and Security is happy that users are being challenged with MFA at appropriate times……BUT, IT Leadership would like some information about the consultants that have signed up. (You knew it was too soon to take some time off!)

IT Leadership would like to know what territory names have been assigned to their consultants. They’d like to see the consultant name, their CMC Consultant ID, and their Territory Name. It doesn’t have to be a fancy report - just a simple output from a console app.

Leadership would like you to build an app that can query the B2C tenant and output some basic information about their consultants along with the two custom attributes you created: CMC Consultant ID and Territory Name.

Luckily, your innovative developer is still here (they haven’t taken any time off either) and they’ve built a console app that can do some of this (but you’ll need to make some modifications). Luckily, the developer has parameterized the B2C bits, so you’ll have to just make some updates to the configuration settings file (appsettings.json) in order to connect to your B2C tenant.

NOTE: This DOTNETCORE console application is located in the MSGraphApp folder within the file provided by your coach or in the Files tab of your Teams channel.

The console app does quite a bit with your B2C tenant, so perhaps this could be useful later on with some B2C tasks. But for now, you’re just concerned with querying the directory to view the users’ Consultant ID and Territory Name (option 8 in the console app).

Success Criteria

IT Leadership will consider this a success and allow you to take a few hours off on a Friday afternoon sometime in the not-so-distant future if you’re able to:

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