Challenge 0: Pre-requisites - Ready, Set, GO!

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This hack presents a series of challenges to help learners build knowledge, experience, and skills in working with Azure Health Data Services. It features solutions for use in real-world health data production environments. After working through the challenges, learners will have a better understanding of how to build their own solutions using the latest health data tools from Microsoft.

In general, you will walk away with the capabilities of Azure Health Data Services platform and a sense of confidence in deploying, configuring, and implementing health data solutions within the platform. You will know how to ingest, transform, and connect health data using the Azure Health Data Service platform, and understand how these components fit together, which will prepare you to use Microsoft’s health data tools in real-world solutions.

Prerequisit knowledge in the following area is needed in completing this hack:

Thank you for participating in the FHIR Powered Healthcare What The Hack. Before you can hack, you will need to set up some prerequisites.

Common Prerequisites

We have compiled a list of common tools and software that will come in handy to complete most What The Hack Azure-based hacks!

You might not need all of them for the hack you are participating in. However, if you work with Azure on a regular basis, these are all things you should consider having in your toolbox.


Now that you have the common pre-requisites installed on your workstation, there are prerequisites specifc to this hack.

Your coach will provide you with a file that contains resources you will need to complete the hack. If you plan to work locally, you should unpack it on your workstation. If you plan to use the Azure Cloud Shell, you should upload it to the Cloud Shell and unpack it there.

Please install these additional tools:

Success Criteria

Learning Resources