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You will copy the Pizzeria database(s) to Azure. You are not required to reconfigure the application to Azure DB for PostgreSQL/MySQL in this challenge as you will do that in the next one.
In the offline migration approach, your application can tolerate some downtime to move to Azure. You can assume that the application is down and no changes are being made to the database.
apt update
and apt install vim
) in case you need to make changes to the MySQL dump filekubectl get svc -n oracle
. The port will be 1521 and the SID is XE.To get to the CLI, you will need to do this:
podName=$(kubectl get pods -n ora2pg --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name")
kubectl exec -n ora2pg -it $podName -- /bin/bash
cd /usr/local/bin
For the web UI, you will need to do this:
ora2pgIP=$(kubectl -n ora2pg get svc -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
ora2pgPort=$(kubectl -n ora2pg get svc -o jsonpath="{.items[0].spec.ports[0].port}")
echo "ora2pg is at http://$ora2pgIP:$ora2pgPort/"
If you choose to use the ora2pg CLI, you will need to modify the ora2pg.conf file located in /config with your settings for ORACLE_DSN, ORACLE_USER and ORACLE_PWD. The only installed editor in the container is vi.
For Oracle, you may want to wait to add constraints (or temporarily disable them) until after you have added the data into the tables