Challenge 00 - Prerequisites - Ready, Set, GO!

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Thank you for participating in the AKS Enterprise-Grade What The Hack. Before you can hack, you will need to set up some prerequisites.

A smart cloud solution architect always has the right tools in their toolbox.


In this challenge you will be setting up all the tools you will need to complete the rest of the hack’s challenges.

Install Cloud Tools On Your Workstation

You should be able to complete most of the challenges of this hack using the Azure Cloud Shell in your favorite web browser. However, if you work with Azure on a regular basis, you should take the time to install all of the tools on your local workstation.

Student Resources

Your coach will provide you with a file that contains resource files you will use to complete some of the challenges for this hack.

If you have installed all of the tools listed above on your local workstation, you should unpack the file there too.

If you plan to use the Azure Cloud Shell, you should upload the file to your cloud shell first and then unpack it there.

Success Criteria

To complete this challenge successfully, you should be able to:

Learning Resources