Challenge 02: My AZ burned down, now what?

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Before creating your Azure Chaos Studio Experiment, ensure you have deployed and verified the pizzeria application is available.


Welcome to Challenge 2.

Can your Application survive an Availability Zone Failure?

How did your application perform with pod failures? Are you still in business? Now that you have tested for pod faults and have overcome with resiliency at the pod level –it is time to kick it up to the next level. Winter storms are a possibility on Superbowl Sunday and you need to prepare for an Azure datacenter going offline. Choose your preferred region and AKS cluster to simulate an Availability Zone failure.


As the purpose of this WTH is to show Chaos Studio, we are going to pretend that an Azure Availability Zone (datacenter) is offline. The way you will simulate this will be failing an AKS node with Chaos Studio.

During the experiment, were you able to order a pizza? If not, what could you do to make your application resilient at the Availability Zone/Virtual Machine layer?

Success Criteria


Take note of your virtual machine’s instanceID

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