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CanvasCachedGeometry Methods

The CanvasCachedGeometry type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateFill(CanvasGeometry)
Creates a new, cached version of the fill of a geometry.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFill(CanvasGeometry, Single)
Creates a new, cached version of the fill of a geometry.
Public methodStatic memberCreateStroke(CanvasGeometry, Single)
Creates a new, cached version of the stroke of a geometry with the specified stroke width.
Public methodStatic memberCreateStroke(CanvasGeometry, Single, CanvasStrokeStyle)
Creates a new, cached version of the stroke of a geometry with the specified stroke width and stroke style.
Public methodStatic memberCreateStroke(CanvasGeometry, Single, CanvasStrokeStyle, Single)
Creates a new, cached version of the stroke of a geometry with the specified stroke width and stroke style.
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the CanvasCachedGeometry.
See Also