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CanvasTextAnalyzer Methods

The CanvasTextAnalyzer type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddGlyphsAfterJustification(CanvasFontFace, Single, CanvasAnalyzedScript, Int32, CanvasGlyph, CanvasGlyph, CanvasGlyphShaping)
Fills in new glyphs for scripts where justification increased the advances of glyphs.
Public methodAddGlyphsAfterJustification(CanvasFontFace, Single, CanvasAnalyzedScript, Int32, CanvasGlyph, CanvasGlyph, CanvasGlyphShaping, Int32)
Fills in new glyphs for scripts where justification increased the advances of glyphs.
Public methodApplyJustificationOpportunities
Justifies an array of glyph advances to fit the line width.
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the CanvasTextAnalyzer.
Public methodGetBidi
Gets which bi-directional text levels are mapped to which character positions.
Public methodGetBidi(String)
Gets which bi-directional text levels are mapped to which character positions.
Public methodGetBreakpoints
Gets the line breaking behavior at each character position.
Public methodGetBreakpoints(String)
Gets the line breaking behavior at each character position.
Public methodGetFonts(CanvasTextFormat)
Gets a font for each span of text contained within this text analyzer.
Public methodGetFonts(CanvasTextFormat, CanvasFontSet)
Gets a font for each span of text contained within this text analyzer.
Public methodGetGlyphOrientations
Gets which glyph orientations are mapped to which character positions.
Public methodGetGlyphOrientations(String)
Gets which glyph orientations are mapped to which character positions.
Public methodGetGlyphs(CanvasCharacterRange, CanvasFontFace, Single, Boolean, Boolean, CanvasAnalyzedScript)
Gets the array of glyphs which comprise the text.
Public methodGetGlyphs(CanvasCharacterRange, CanvasFontFace, Single, Boolean, Boolean, CanvasAnalyzedScript, String, CanvasNumberSubstitution, IReadOnlyListKeyValuePairCanvasCharacterRange, CanvasTypography, Int32, Boolean, CanvasGlyphShaping)
Gets the array of glyphs which comprise the text.
Public methodGetJustificationOpportunities
Retrieves justification opportunity information, per-glyph.
Public methodGetNumberSubstitutions
Gets which number substitutions are mapped to which character positions.
Public methodGetScript
Gets information about the script used by the text.
Public methodGetScript(String)
Gets information about the script used by the text, applying the specified locale.
Public methodGetScriptProperties
Gets the properties for an analyzed script.
See Also