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DisplacementMapEffect Properties

The DisplacementMapEffect type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAmount
Scales the intensity of the displacement. The higher you set this property, the more the effect displaces the pixels. Default value 0.
Public propertyBufferPrecision
Specifies what precision to use for intermediate buffers when drawing this effect.
Public propertyCacheOutput
Enables caching the output from drawing this effect.
Public propertyDisplacement
Gets or sets the displacement image which is used to distort the main Source image.
Public propertyName
Attaches a user-defined name string to the effect.
Public propertySource
Gets or sets the main input source for DisplacementMap effect.
Public propertyXChannelSelect
The effect extracts the intensity from this color channel and uses it to spatially displace the image in the X direction. Default value Alpha.
Public propertyYChannelSelect
The effect extracts the intensity from this color channel and uses it to spatially displace the image in the Y direction. Default value Alpha.
See Also