| Name | Description |
| DrawText(String, Vector2, Color) | Draws text using a default font. |
| DrawText(String, Vector2, ICanvasBrush, CanvasTextFormat) | Draws text at the specified position, using a brush to define the color. |
| DrawText(String, Vector2, Color, CanvasTextFormat) | Draws text at the specified position. |
| DrawText(String, Single, Single, Color) | Draws text using a default font. |
| DrawText(String, Rect, ICanvasBrush, CanvasTextFormat) | Draws text inside the specified rectangle, using a brush to define the color. |
| DrawText(String, Rect, Color, CanvasTextFormat) | Draws text inside the specified rectangle. |
| DrawText(String, Single, Single, ICanvasBrush, CanvasTextFormat) | Draws text at the specified position, using a brush to define the color. |
| DrawText(String, Single, Single, Color, CanvasTextFormat) | Draws text at the specified position. |
| DrawText(String, Single, Single, Single, Single, ICanvasBrush, CanvasTextFormat) | Draws text inside the specified rectangle, using a brush to define the color. |
| DrawText(String, Single, Single, Single, Single, Color, CanvasTextFormat) | Draws text inside the specified rectangle. |