enum includes all the many and varied pixel formats used by Direct3D and DXGI,
but only a few of these options are supported by Win2D (or by Direct2D upon which
Win2D is built).
If in doubt, pixel format B8G8R8A8UIntNormalized and
Premultiplied are good defaults for most purposes.
All the formats listed below are supported by Direct3D feature level 11 GPU
hardware (used in desktop computers and most tablets). Feature level 9 GPUs
(which are found in phones) only support a subset. If you want to use one of the
formats marked as Not supported on all devices, you
should first check IsPixelFormatSupported(DirectXPixelFormat),
or catch exceptions if the resource creation fails and be prepared to fall
back on one of the universally available options.
CanvasBitmap formatsDirectXPixelFormat | Compatible CanvasAlphaModes | Notes |
B8G8R8A8UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | The default format |
B8G8R8A8UIntNormalizedSrgb | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |
B8G8R8X8UIntNormalized | Ignore | |
R8G8B8A8UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | |
R8G8B8A8UIntNormalizedSrgb | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |
R16G16B16A16Float | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |
R32G32B32A32Float | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |
R10G10B10A2UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |
R16G16B16A16UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |
R8G8UIntNormalized | Ignore | Not supported on all devices. Bitmaps of this format can be used as effect sources, but are not directly drawable. |
R8UIntNormalized | Ignore | Not supported on all devices. Bitmaps of this format can be used as effect sources, but are not directly drawable. |
A8UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Straight | Bitmaps of this format can be used as opacity masks or effect sources, but are not directly drawable. |
BC1UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | |
BC2UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | |
BC3UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | |
CanvasRenderTarget formatsDirectXPixelFormat | Compatible CanvasAlphaModes | Notes |
B8G8R8A8UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | The default format |
B8G8R8A8UIntNormalizedSrgb | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |
R8G8B8A8UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | |
R8G8B8A8UIntNormalizedSrgb | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |
R16G16B16A16Float | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |
R32G32B32A32Float | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |
R16G16B16A16UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |
A8UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Straight | |
CanvasSwapChain formatsDirectXPixelFormat | Compatible CanvasAlphaModes | Notes |
B8G8R8A8UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | The default format |
R8G8B8A8UIntNormalized | Premultiplied, Ignore | |
R16G16B16A16Float | Premultiplied, Ignore | Not supported on all devices |