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CanvasSwapChain Properties

The CanvasSwapChain type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlphaMode
Gets the alpha mode associated with this CanvasSwapChain.
Public propertyBufferCount
Gets the number of buffers that comprise this CanvasSwapChain.
Public propertyDevice
Gets the device associated with this CanvasSwapChain.
Public propertyDpi
Gets the dots-per-inch (DPI) of this swap chain.
Public propertyFormat
Gets the pixel format associated with this CanvasSwapChain.
Public propertyRotation
Rotates the swap chain.
Public propertySize
Gets the size of the swap chain, in device independent pixels (DIPs).
Public propertySizeInPixels
Gets the size of the swap chain, in pixels.
Public propertySourceSize
Specifies that only a subregion of the swap chain should be displayed.
Public propertyTransformMatrix
Specifies a transform matrix that will be applied to the swap chain upon the next present.
See Also