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TurbulenceEffect Properties

The TurbulenceEffect type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBufferPrecision
Specifies what precision to use for intermediate buffers when drawing this effect.
Public propertyCacheOutput
Enables caching the output from drawing this effect.
Public propertyFrequency
Base frequencies in the X and Y direction. Units are specified in 1/DIPs. Default value (0.01, 0.01).
Public propertyName
Attaches a user-defined name string to the effect.
Public propertyNoise
The turbulence noise mode. Default value FractalSum.
Public propertyOctaves
Number of octaves for the noise function. Default value 1.
Public propertyOffset
Offsets the coordinates where the turbulence output is generated. Default value (0,0).
Public propertySeed
The seed for the pseudo random generator. Default value 0.
Public propertySize
Specifies the size of image to generate. Default value (512, 512).
Public propertyTileable
Turns stitching on or off. If set, the base frequency is adjusted so the output bitmap can be tiled. Default value false.
See Also