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ICanvasPathReceiver Interface
Applications implement this interface in order to read back geometry path data.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.Geometry
Assembly:  Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas (in Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.dll) Version:
public interface ICanvasPathReceiver

The ICanvasPathReceiver type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddArc
Signals an arc to the app.
Public methodAddCubicBezier
Signals a cubic bezier to the app.
Public methodAddLine
Signals a line to the app.
Public methodAddQuadraticBezier
Signals a quadratic bezier to the app.
Public methodBeginFigure
Signals the beginning of a figure to the app.
Public methodEndFigure
Signals the end of a figure to the app.
Public methodSetFilledRegionDetermination
Indicates, to the app, the method by which content is determined to lie inside the geometry, as opposed to outside.
Public methodSetSegmentOptions
Indicates, to the app, the segment and join options which are applied to subsequent segments.
See Also